Think outside the box people


minor bike philosopher
I just read an article in the paper about mass transit. The city's idea of promoting mass transit is to show the buses more in the paper. Why don't they get a little innovative and ask how can mass transit really serve the public.

Who would benefit most from mass transit in a mid-sized southern town: the answer it simple the working poor and the bottom end of the middle-class.

Why don't they find mass transit satisfactory. Well you don't go where they need to be and do it when they need it done. I know mass transit can not be all things to all people but try thinking outside the box. You don't promote dual use for instance. You have bike racks on the front of the bus but you don't ever suggest people buy a bike to extend the usefulness of the bus,

A person might hesitate to walk two miles to a bus stop, but would they be willing to ride a bike two miles. Especially if they can take their bike on the ten mile bus ride to a stop where they can leave the bus, hop on their bike and ride two more miles to the plant or store where they work. You can't just promote riding the bus, you have to give them a system that will really work for them.

I no longer drive, but my wife does. So I don't take the bus, but if she were to throw my butt out, I would need to do just that to go across town once in a while. An ebike has an effective range of about ten miles total per charge, if I ride it like a motorcycle (don't pedal much)

For the sake of argument lets say I had a good lightweight battery system so that I could make my bike self contained and manageable on the bus rack. I could take my bike off the charger and ride it about a mile and a half to a bus stop on the route I wanted to use. I could load up my bike and ride the bus ten or twenty mile to a bus stop near the school I wanted to attend. Why i would want to go back to school is beyond me. Lets just say I did or I wanted to go to the courthouse to file papers in the town several miles away. Anyway you get the point.

So why doesn't the government use some of that stimulus money to educate people to the possibilities for low income people to really use mass transportation in the simi rural areas of this country. By doubling up the transport system, a person could go almost anywhere with a clean personal transport system.

Mass transit works in big cities because it is everywhere you live and everywhere you want to go, but that isn't true in the smaller parts of the country, so for gods sake government think outside the New York City box. That is if you are serious about changing people's lives for the better.
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We have the rail road it goes through town tons of freight every day. To bad they don't have passenger trains on this route Amarillo, Tx. less than 1 hr away Oklahoma city, Ok. about 3 hrs away this route goes to Long beach,Ca. I'm not sure where it starts at maybe Kansas city,Kansas so you get the idea. Take a bike along heck it would be kind of fun to do.
But would it be with it? Probably not for the rail road. But for short trips where you wanted to just kick back and enjoy the scenery. I used to ride from Ft. Madison,Iowa to Chicago on the train being a kid I wanted to fly not ride a dang train.
Being older now and flew quite a bit, private pilot flying my own plane and on the airlines ,which I can beat the time in travel, due to lay overs on the airlines, the airlines can go when I can't due to my plane not being instrument equipped for ifr flight rules nor me, I don't like the cramped seats they now have. Flying on the airlines is like being packed in an aluminum sewer pipe
the home land security thing, which I hate going through.
I'd like to take a train I remember nice comfortable seats on the trains but it been years since I've been on a train they may be like the planes now on the seating, and trains are slow.
Take a bus trip that will make you want to kill someone by the time you get off.
Back in the sixties I rode trains from New Jersey to NC often. It was quite a fun trip. Lots of people to talk to and lots of things to see. Even time to read a whole book. But when a train brakes down, it is pretty awful but I image better than when a plane breaks down in route.

Even those trips would be relevant today. I could ride my bike to the bus stop closest to where I was. Load my bike on front of the regional bus, then ride a few miles to the town with a train station. Then rather than switch to a local city bus, I could ride my bike to the train station. Once at the station I could load my bike on the train and enjoy the scenery until I arrived at my destination. When I got where I was going, I could ride the bike to my final destination. Of course that would be after being lost for an hour or so.

you know what Norman, I have a spare ebike we could build a Nimh battery pack for them to make them self contained then buy and old guy rail pass, load the bikes and tour the country. Heck I bet once you got off the train, you could find a place to spread a blanket roll somewhere within ten miles of the train station.
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i dissegree to a point

mass transit works in big cities because rent is $1500 / month - and a parking spot is an extra $500 -$800 / month

when they can figure out a way to get me to were i can drive to in under 10 minutes , on a bus , in less that 45 minutes and on 2 busses with a transfer , them mabey i would consider the bus .

i doubt AHNULD takes a bus , why should i .

mabey if the mayor had to take multiple busses to work , and to go shopping and lug 8 bags of groceries around on a bus , he wouldn,t be pushing for mass transit .
I agree with both arguments. Dreadful traffic and high parking prices nudge us to take mass transit.
However, if mass transit planners want serve more people, they need to accomodate our lifestyles. Buses need the capacity to carry more than two bicycles.
I think they are trying to shoehorn everyone into a lifestyle they choose and it just isn't going to work. they need to make a complete system not just a bus route. That is my thinking. The bicycle is the natural extension of the urban transport system.
It's a shame that many cities are wasting money on light rail. Buses make more sense since they can change routing if needed, add or remove buses from a given route which is difficult for rail not to mention that with the light ridership of a lot of light rail a one bus takes up a lot less room than a three car train. Buses can use HOV lanes and even dedicated bus lanes. A city doesn't have to buy up a lot of expensive land for rails. Often there's room for a pair of bus lanes in the median of freeways. Portland, OR and Seattle, WA have made a great expensive boondoggle and wasted a lot of money on light rail. I don't know why these "brilliant planners" keep trying to play with trains where they don't make any sense.
KC raised fares,took the tax ment for lite rail talked voters into another tax addition to keep the metro routes going ,,,then cut routes (keeping the tax of course),,,now south KC can get to town in the morning but can't get home after work,,my son would get off the bus about 5 miles from home and need a ride the rest of the way,,,what ever,if you plan on kcmo as a place to move too,bring your own transportation,this town is growing backwards and the schools s**k
I think riding buses in the USA is a bad idea. Did you see that AC TRansit video on youtube recently where that old white guy got in a fight with a black guy? I can just see that happening to me here in my city.