Custom MB Buiilder
I don't dwell on bad things when I can avoid it, but our bikes that we love so much are a prime target for the scum that is to lazy to earn anything! You could park a motorized bike right next to a 4500.00 Trek and 9 out of 10 they will go for the motorized bike. Why? These creeps arn't that bright to start.
Park your bike in the house if you can. Got a garage? use it and shut the door! Lock it to a gas meter, lamp post,ect. Take time to meet a security guard @ shopping malls, grocery stores hardware stores. They take pride you thinking they are important enough to ask them to help you guard one of your most valued posessions! My downstairs neighbor HAD a brand new bike and I warned him to get a GOOD lock to replace the dollar store lock & chain he was using. Nope, gone this morning
Even tho I live upstairs my bike is inside when I am not on it, Period! Yea it takes effort but I know where it is. Put a padlock through your front sprocket in ADDITION to the other lock you use. Abus and other companys make locks you can't pick or cut with less than a torch. So it's up to us. Ride or WALK. I'm lookin' at my bike right now 
Park your bike in the house if you can. Got a garage? use it and shut the door! Lock it to a gas meter, lamp post,ect. Take time to meet a security guard @ shopping malls, grocery stores hardware stores. They take pride you thinking they are important enough to ask them to help you guard one of your most valued posessions! My downstairs neighbor HAD a brand new bike and I warned him to get a GOOD lock to replace the dollar store lock & chain he was using. Nope, gone this morning