The thing at the bottom of your crank


Active Member
Aug 19, 2009
San Diego, Kaliforgnia
The recycling company next to the nearest public dump used to be like that.
It was privately owned by a couple of families.
I used to get all sorts of stuff from there. They would let me take in a small tool box and I could pick any parts I wanted off of motorcycles, engines, washers and dryers, ect. or I could buy the whole darned thing. Nothing was off limits and I paid pennies on the dollar for it. I could get a whole junked motorcycle, with salvage paperwork for registration purposes and pay $20 to $50.
The property lease expired on them and the new company that moved in is a big recycling corporation. Everything that goes in there is on a one way path. Once they get a hold of a bicycle, motorcycle, stationary engine, scrap metal, whatever, they refuse to let it go for any price or logical reasoning with them.
It sucks.
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