The perfect project for Deacon!

Deacon--Wanted to add we only have the one E-bike on the Canadian Wal-mart site and they had 6 in the U.S.
That was a bummer.
Thanks for the "good luck"
I always enjoy reading your posts. Keep up all the good work.

I will post everything as soon as I go to market.
As far as a push trailer here I think the Snarlies
would be all over you like white on rice...POPS.trlrl.:-||
Too bad that seems to be the simplest thing to build once you get the thing solid enough. I started out building it with tooo much flex and now I'm spending days shoring it up. I had no idea flex and torque would be such a bear.

If you but the rear wheel of a childs electric scooter it has a brake that is a kind of band. You pull the cable and a piece of spring metal tightens over the drum not inside it. Looks like it would work.

I think once i get a few details worked out the pusher will be fun for me to ride. I am sure that it runs out stronger than the hub for a lot less money. It is also truly and easily interchangeable.

I have most everything on the trailer now. All that goes on the bike is the on and off switch. That is at the end of a single extension cord cable. Just chopped off the end and ran the positive battery lead from the trailer to the switch and then back to the motor. The cable is about eight feel long and goes up to the handlebars where the switch is attached. I just taped it on, but I guess is you really wanted it to be interchangeable you could rig up some kine of inner tube bands to hold it in place.

I guess next I am going to have to look for a better bike to put it on. I think I'm going to pick up a kids bike at the thrift store unless they have a good multi speed. The 20" with a seat extension would work just fine and be easy to get on and off. They had one two weeks ago with a suspension and gear that was 20" At the time I was wanting one with a front end I could weld to and I couldn't weld to that one. It is long gone I'm sure.

Oh if anyone ever builds one of these things, it seems to work better if it is at least close to level.
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I went into the shop last night and did a few things to the pusher bike project. I did a little more stiffening of the frame. I also changed out the front wheel on the bike. I put it back to a 20" wheel but in a 26" chrome fork from a road bike. It's a little strange looking but I think I like it.

After I get this pusher running the way I want, I think I will build a new one wheel push trailer with stronger materials. I know now it should have been welded differently. this is what I propose to do differently next time.

Its like a jigsaw puzzle it will only need two bolts to assemble. With the wheel mounted inside the boxy it creates. I have to be able to take it apart to service the wheel. The wheel will attach to hangers welded on.
The pusher bike experiment is declared a success and it now joins the bubba bike as a usable vehicle. I rode it to the auto parts store to get some heater hose to use as handlebar grips. It is cheaper and I reconfigure the bike often requiring modification of the grips. Heater hose is the way for me to go.

I was surprised to find that the twenty inch wheel with the taller fork does pretty darn good. I don't feel much like I'm on a kids bike. I still plan to build an improved trailer but the bike does pretty good now. It's a little more unstable than I would like. When i pedal it tends to cause the trailer to swing a little. I didn't realize before that pedaling causes the bike to lean from one side to the other and back again with every stroke.

The bike doesn't have a lot of top end but it does have good torque. It climbed the big hill from the center to my house better than any Ebike I ever had. I can see that a 450 watt motor on a geared bike would be a winner.

So this thread is finished and it's back to zen and the pp&e bike...
Pops--There would be a #12EEE Mountie boot on the back of my tired old head before I got from here in Cresant Beach to White Rock.[10min away] or I may be in the ditch Tasered 5 times! No. I'd have to be near the airport for that.

Deacon--As Pops says it really is a no go up here.I dont know why but they really seem to have a woody about these bikes.The gas people have it harder.
I don't know if Pops has to be looked at by the government to get a permit ect. to build these bikes for resale but I'm sure he'll tell us.Nothing would surprise me.
It took over a year of constant lobbying from the people making the bikes I was looking at to get them to drop the provincial sales tax.This Province is very set on making the Province a leader in green perfection.No matter how many taxes it takes.
We still pay 5% Federal tax.
With all this green goodness going on they still want to stand in everyones way.
We are every politico's friend now though.Elections on in less than 30 days.
We are now going to get everthing they wouldn't give us last year.
I feel your pain.
Nothing like 50.000 Volts to kick start your day.
OH LOOK...O ... another hoop to jump threw...POPS
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Not a chance BUT
If you get caught You built it.
I will/Can make 80+ K Bikes but it's
all on you!!!!! I didn't build it.
It was like that when I got there.
Don't ask me???????....POPSdance1

Don't stop now!!!
I won't have anything to get up and read anymore.
Did you not like cyclone threw the gear system or was it there price...POPS
I'm not stopping just moving to another thread in this same category. I pretty much have finished experimenting with with this. The basic research is done. I proved that a very simple very inexpensive pusher can be made from a scooter rear wheel and two sla batteries. Throw in a household light switch and you have a motorized bike.

It meets my basic criteria for a build. Easy enough that even someone with minor skills can do it (the old if I can anyone can approach). Parts easily available so that it doesn't take someone with a mechanical engineering degree to design it. And best of all it will fits any bike with only minor adaptations.

Oh yeah it had to be less expensive than the kits you can purchase. I wanted it to be easy to replicate over and over. So since I accomplished my pusher goal, I'm ready to enjoy the fruits of my labor.

Now if I can find a 500 or more watt motor in that same configuration I will be in high cotton.
as usual I am having second thoughts about the pusher. I took the bubba bike out and it is everybit as good as the pusher even at only 250 watts. So For ease of build its the bubba all the way.

Now I have decided that the bubba bike needs a second wheel on the trailer. Done ask me why I decided that I just did. There is no logical reason I can think of to do it, but I bid on a front scooter wheel. It will just roll along.

What it will do is to allow me to shorten the trailer. I think the do better when they are up close like a set of trailing wheels. So if I get it and when it comes in I will be rebuilding the pusher. I am still going to use the axle connection but like now I'm going to use it on both sides.

I pretty much like the bike the way it is. I hope I can salvage parts from the pusher I have now. We shall see.
Deacon--Any idea what happens to the handling if you anchor the pusher to the seat post.See lots of carts with kids in them like that and wondered if the bike would pivot better.
Do like the set up as you show it here.Would like to take a shot at doing one my self but as Pops said the trouble you would be in here no one outside B.C. could understand.
The province does all the auto insuring though you buy from private companies.When the Insurance Corp. of British Columbia [I.C.B.C.] says s**t everyone in the province strains in the sunlight because THIER word is law.
Police and every one do what they want.They also write the rules to suit themselves.

Pops--Pops -You know there is absolutely nothing improper if the cops can't catch you at it or prove it.
The fly in that ointment is I was always the first one that was grabbed.
In my own defense I never turned any one over, ever and that cost me a lot of time in the detention hall after school.Even had the hall teacher call home to see if I was ok the few times I wasn't there.

I am thinking with the trailer set up that way it is
going to be next to impossible to lean into a corner.
I think it would really try to push steer you in a straight line.


I have to watch what I do because I want to
go public with my bikes or I may destroy any
chance of that happening if I do anything illegal.
I am going to maybe build some off road gas
mountain hill climbers but the consequences
could be NOT GOOD...POPS
It's that second tongue that makes it skip instead of swing out of line in turns. The power trailer for the bubba tracks better because it is on one arm and can swing. What I am hoping is that the drive wheel will be closer to the bike and won't have to move so far to right itself. The single wheel does pretty well on wide turns, its the close ones that give it a problem.

You are right about the side car type drive. I have seen those and I too wonder what it would do.I think it would be a lot like a trike, but that is just guess. I don't see how you could lean on it either. Except maybe to one side.

The motor and drive work just fine, it's the handling I am trying to improve a little. It does pretty good, I don't think it is dangerous. But it would take some getting used to for sure If I leave it the way it is now. I will try to keep the trailer as narrow as possible to make it more maneuverable. I still want the batteries on it to use the weight to hold it on the road.
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I'm going to hold off on the new trailer for a while. I rode the bike today and found it isn't near the pain I thought. I concentrated on when it seemed to glitch and found that it's doing it on right turns, no shocker there. and on really rough patches of road.

I tried to turn the power off in both cases and pedal it a few times or just coast till I am clear of the condition. When I did, the bike works just fine.

I did begin the day working on a project to use a front fork as a part of a trailer design. I found that if I remove the fork. I can cut the top to any length I want. Then I can round off the head of a 1/2 bolt just a little and drive it into the top of the front fork. After you round off the head you should run a nut down to the bottom of the threads. I use a long bolt so the threads did not go all the way down. I drove the bolt in until the nut rested on top of the front fork opening. Then I welded the bolt to the top of the fork. I now have a front fork with about an inch of 1/2" course thread sticking out. I can use that as the holder for my pusher wheel if I build a second one. I can bolt it to any kind of frame hitch at all, so long as I drill a half inch hole in it.
Pops-- Just kidding.Waiting to see your bikes when you have them ready.
I know you can't push out of line since it's your business.I just have a serious angry bear/short stick problem when it comes to Government.
Get to see the surgeon who replaced my knee today to see how it is doing.
Going to look at the E-bikes again and see if I can ride one.They are the only people who have them so you can take one for a ride.I may be on a wild chase here if my leg doesn't do better than it is.
My brother wants to get one so I'll use his to start.
I would like to have a gas powered off road rig for the camper too.Now that I am officialy retired[thats where they send you money every month]and I live in the Pacific North West "THE PLAN" is to put the fear into as many fish as I can.Catch and release fishing is my joy.
The only problem I have eating fish is they ,well, taste like fish.
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Deacon-- Pops said what I was trying to a lot more clearly.
Think I'll try to build one just to mess around off road.
The befuddled old man act may not sell to the young cops they have today.My brother[younger] just said what act?He may be right.
Off to Home Depot Heaven.