the e-bike life....

Part of the ebike life is what do you do when it rains. I don't have to go anywhere so I sit at the computer and give my opinion on everything whether anyone cares or not. (insert bronx cheer here)
The sun came out for a while so I rode to the drugstore. I ordered some prints from a digital media. Shots my son in law took of me with the new grand baby, a boy. The lab took them put into the system but would not print them. I have to go back to get them. Probably tomorrow's project. Maybe this afternoon but not for me. I would have ordered them on line but I hate to pay shipping on four pictures that have no real significance to me.

Battery update... I am running the double 12ah pack or 24amp hour pack. I rode it for comfort not conservation and went about three miles. I left the house at 13.25 on each 12volt leg of the pack. I came back with 12.95 on each leg or about 25% or less use. that leads me to believe that a min of 12miles is doable with this pack. And that is at comfort level probably fifteen or more at conservation levels of use.

If and when I get the push wheel set up, I might have to split the battery pack up. I don't think so but I might. If so I can buy two 7.5 amp hour batteries for under 35bucks delivered. If I add those to one of the 12 amp hour sets I will have about 20amp hour. That much should get me ten miles no problem and that's all I need. Nothing I would do would take me farther than five miles from home. Besides the bike isn't comfortable to me after that far.

So a sla battery pack would cost me 53 bucks for the 12 amp hour... and 35 for the 7.5 amp hour or 88bucks for both... I have read, and I hope that, recharging them before they are drained will increase the life tremendously.

As you can see from the picture there is nothing that screams motor bike about this setup. With a little luck I can get away with it for a while.
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What we really need is a range chart.

so that you find your weight one one line and follow it across to the average topography of your area. The intersection would give you a number you could use to figure the real range of an ebike based on the mfgs best case scenario figure.

I think the bike I use would have a best case scenario of 30mile with my battery setup. But that is probably based on the rider being about 170 lbs and always being on the flat riding a perfectly turned bike.

I on the other hand am about 220 naked, I seldom ride a bike that way, the land is up and down moderately but often, and the bike is home make though well greased ect.

I figure with max conservation which I'm sure they would figure as well, the bike will do 15miles (SWAG estimate)

My figure might be .5 that would give me a pretty good idea of what I could expect before I purchase the bike. Wait, they might not want me to know.

Ps I have succumb to the wanting to know how fast I am going so I purchased a speedometer to arrive in a week or two from china.
I got a speedo off another bike we purchased used. A Schwinn unit. It's alright and gives us an idea of about how fast we're going.

The hub motor appears to be in good condition. Rust is only on the spoke nipples and that's it. The rest is an aluminum rim with stainless spokes. Funny how they didn't use stainless nipples as well. (?)

We hooked it up to my battery pack and it turned so we know the motor works and is not frozen. Going to clean it up a bit and decide which bike to put it on. It's a 24v 400watt unit and came with a thumb throttle and charger. Not bad for.............80 BUCKS!!!

Only reason the seller got rid of it was that it wouldn't get him up hills. I just kinda looked at him and said that these are called pedal assist for a reason and we laughed. He also told me he could get up to 17 or 18 mph on the flats. Just a tad less than my 450 watt geared motor rig.
His old battery pack is just like what I have so it's on the charger right now. Don't know if it'll hold a charge as it hasn't been charged for over 2 months, according to the seller. We'll see if the light turns green and I'll figure out how to use that multimeter to get a reading. laff

Hoping to get it fitted to a bike sometime this week. Will post pics. :)

Here's something to think on. How come these batteries are held together with electrical tape? My first 2 packs, the tape was shifting and pealing and leaving a grand'ol mess of adhesive. Cleaned them up and wrapped them nicely with duct tape. A man's best friend. :D Now they look more....professional, for lack of a better word. The pack that came with this hub motor was exactly the same. Pealing electrical tape.

Oh yeah, here's a link to the company that made this rig. I hope it's okay to do this. The rig I bought is only 400 watt and they no longer have it listed. As you can see, I got a pretty darned good deal at on $80. Most of the rigs are going for over $300.
I never get deals like that. What the pack you have will probably do is charge good or bad if there isn't a short in it. Then it will drop below what a full charged pack will read. Let it rest and hour and see if it is at 13.25 or more. That is full charge. My bad packs dropped to like 12.75 volts. They are good for very short distances like that.

You can try letting them rest a few hours and charging them over and over they might come back but I doubt it. If they stay over 13.25 you have a good pack.

They make a black duct tape that would be excellent for battery packs.
Deacon/Grouchy--Thanks for the info.The more I hear, the more I like the E-bike challenge.
Deacon--When you said you had a small back wheel I was thinking more Penny Farthing but it is perfect for an easy on and off.When I was 10 I got my first bike, a 3 speed Raleigh.Moms a Brit. and nothing else would do.Within a week I rode to my grand parents house 15 miles away down a super busy 2 lane hyw.I had to find a rock to stand on to get on because I couldn,t put my leg over the cross bar.
All these years later and nothing has changed.The grand parents house never,ever looked so good.
Everyone was so happy I was alive I didn't hear much about it.
What is considered a best battery?I'm thinking Optima.
Grouchy-- Is your back a 'Sorry we can't do anything, just live with it'?
Good to hear you got a deal on the motor.Nice to see a good guy finish ahead of the pack.
Must say the hub motor price was a bit of a shock when I looked them up.We have to add 30% for the exchange rate on the money.
The maximum wattage is 500w but I'm willing to bet that nobody will check it if I have 600w.
The farthest I wiil go is 6/7 miles one way.
Am I wrong or are the golden years made of fools gold.
A thought.Remember If you poke an angry bear in the backside with a short stick,you will have to be able to run 40 miles an hour for over a mile to stay ahead of the bear.
Hey Fasteddy, yeah, my back is something like that. Been living with it since 83. Affected mostly the L4/L5 area. After all these years, it's spread to the S1/S2. Sciatica is more intense and duration for standing and sitting is shorter. I still ain't crawling, though. Even the surgeon won't touch me. laff

My new hub motor?.......SHE GOES!!! Whoootaah! dance1 The wife loves it and is perfectly comfortable with it to let our daughter ride it a bit. Super quiet and smooth compared to the geared motor. Took me 4 hours to install it on the chosen bike. Major problem was the front suspension. The struts were rubbing against the hub so I had to fabricate spacers to spread them apart enough for the hub to free spin. Of course, I had to put the wheel in the wrong way as well. Jumped on and it pushed me backwards, and I had the thing so nicely wired using black cable ties. :p

Amazingly, the battery pack actually charged up. I gots to read those darned instructions for that multimeter. :D I'd like to know how much of a charge it's taking on. So far, it's been enough to have some fun riding around the block.

My observations on this 400 watt hub. On the flats or slight downhill grades, this thing hauls, especially if you help it along for a bit. Uphills, even the same slight grades, it bogs down a bit. Of course pedaling helps it along a bunch as it is pedal assist afterall. I can only imagine what the bigger hubs can do. Overall, I like it, but sure as heck can't afford a new one, as Fasteddy discovered.
My 250 gearless hub sounds about like the one you have but probably a bit weaker. It will do the slight incline and flats okay really steep or long and moderately steep and I need some serious pedaling.

I'm thinking 500 to 600 watts 36volts minimum to run up a moderate hill at speed faster than I can pedal. Would still have to help it up those big hills but with pedaling equal to what I would do on a slight incline without a motor. That kind of performance would be ideal in my opinion. I'm not looking for a china kit performance.

Yesterday I shorted a full battery (four 12ah batteries) Now that will scare **** out of anyone. It smoked up some wiring but that seems to be all it did. I did it because of my obsession to charge the batteries quickly. I kept checking the resting voltage. I will be glad when my 24volt charger gets here and I can just plug it in and forget it.

You know I like all that goes into travel with these bikes. I'm serious the planning of the trip, the worn out feeling on bike killer hill. the feel and sound of the trailer running along behind me, and the looks on the faces of work crews on the side of the road when I say good morning and sail along without pedaling or the sound of a gasoline engine.

Now with the new NC law about to get passed, I will still be able to do it without paying tax or insuring my ride. You just got to love it. Like others have said, I'm old enough and banged up enough not to need speed. Of course being retired I don't have to be anywhere in a hurry. There isn't a bike made that I would ride in the rain, no matter whose it is. Unlike my friction drive bikes, I can ride the bubba bike on a wet road even.

One more thing I love, which I didn't think would be a big deal. I can (when I have the 24volt charger) unplug the power trailer, unlike the full bike, I can roll it out the door effortlessly, remove the bike from the shed, also effortlessly, install two nuts and a lock washer to attach the trailer and off I go. It is easy to set up and ride.

At this point I should say that my favorite tool at the moment is the 1/2 wrench that I cut in half with a rototool and then drilled a hole in for my key ring. I use it to hook up my trailer. I always have it since I used my keys to lock up the house before I ride. It is the only tool I never have to go looking for. That makes it my favorite.
There is a really nasty cold wind blowing today. I still wanted to get some exercise so I decided to cut my grass. I don't know about anyone else but my mind wanders to lots of things while I cut grass. It doesn't require too much focus to push a lawn mower. So as I am cutting I'm also trying to talk myself out of a larger hub motor.

There are a lot of good reasons not to go up in size. Not the least of which is that the motor I have now will probably last a lifetime. Not because I think it is great, even though I do think it works just as it is supposed to. It's more because it isn't exactly what I want. I just want to see what a 600watt 36volt motor is like.

Then i got to the cost of one of those. $350 to 500 bucks low end. Heck I could get another china girl kit for only $150 these days. Then somewhere out of my minds waste basket I pulled all the other things I had to buy for the kit. Piston rings that I screwed up. Various nuts and bolts I had to replace. A new chain because I switched bikes and the old chain was too short. I couldn't find the links I had cut off to make it fit. Oh yeah a chain tool to cut the chain to fit. Three count em three tensioners trying to find one to keep the chain out of my rear wheel. Oh yes a new rear wheel for when the tensioner went through the spokes of that rear wheel. Special gas cans to keep the premix away from my lawn mower gas. I'm sure there are some other small things I JUST HAD to have.

That's when I realized that the Ebike really wasn't that much more expensive. Especially when I add in the new registration and insurance cost. They are estimating the ins at 85 bucks a year. Oh I almost forgot the fifty dollar motorcycle helmet in my storage room that I will never wear again.

I have to keep telling myself how expensive the hub motor is or I will be out buying a new one.

I am sure by this time you are all wishing that my weather would improve so I stop posting so much junk lol
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The softer side of an old biker

They call me P
but my real name grandpa...
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I'm looking at an E-Bike made here in Canada. Hand made to look like a Board track racer.The price is $1,300 U.S.Just love it when a Canadian company puts thier prices in US dollars.
Maybe they think thier fellow countrymen are to cheap/stupid to buy one.
You can see it on the Fire Bikes web site.
I'm going to see just what the motor size today.
Well, my not humble opinion of this guy is he is just a little full of himself.Asked for the price of the bike he had listed, in Canadian dollars and the instant reply was $200-$5,000 and it was best to call him.
Sure will.I'll be on top of that chance like a hen on a June bug.Can't give you the song and dance with E-mail?
What in sweet Heavens name could he do to an E-Bike that would make it worth $5,000?A ten foot trailer full of high end batteries?
Looks more like a high end kit and a frame.
Checked Canadian Tires Bike feed back and it was sort of ok but you may want to look else where if you want really good quality.Typical of them.
The softer side of an old biker

They call me P
but my real name grandpa...

Hoi Grampa! Beautiful pic, Deacon. Really pulls at the heart strings, as my son from a first marriage is getting kinda close to doing the same to me. Love the little one to death and spoil him rotten. That's what Grampas are for. :)
I don't do good with kids to be honest. I'm kinda like my dad let the wife spoil them. I'm kind of like the doctor. You know first do no harm.

As for that 5k bike. You can but a darn good full suspension bike for 2bucks maxium. then a 1000 watt kid for under 5 bucks, a really good set of lithium batteries for another five hundred. That would give you 1200 bucks in a really really nice rig.

The beauty of the hub motor kit is anyone at all can do it. You need zero mechanical skills to assemble it. Anybody asking 5k can't get that much value in a bike. I'm sorry but it is true. For that price I would wait for the all in one hub motor that is coming any day now.
I don't do good with kids to be honest. I'm kinda like my dad let the wife spoil them. I'm kind of like the doctor. You know first do no harm.

As for that 5k bike. You can but a darn good full suspension bike for 2bucks maxium. then a 1000 watt kid for under 5 bucks, a really good set of lithium batteries for another five hundred. That would give you 1200 bucks in a really really nice rig.

The beauty of the hub motor kit is anyone at all can do it. You need zero mechanical skills to assemble it. Anybody asking 5k can't get that much value in a bike. I'm sorry but it is true. For that price I would wait for the all in one hub motor that is coming any day now.

Coulda fooled me. You look right at home with the babe in your arms. :)

Now Fasteddy, in this thread it's not "full of himself". It's more like, "He ain't holdin a full charge." laff

Well, he can sell whatever he wants for whatever price he wants. It's free enterprise and I won't argue that fact, but sure am curious as to what a $5000 ebike looks like and how fast it goes. (?)

>The beauty of the hub motor kit is anyone at all can do it.<

Well, almost. Remember, I put mine in backwards. Must have been one of those senior moments. :D
I put mine in backwards as well. It didn't require any special talent to get it backwards lol.... It took me about five long minutes to figure out that I hadn't wired it backwards. I had put the wheel in backwards. That's how dumb i was the first time.

as for sell anything at any price yeah. There was a guy with a sears free spirit bike with a bike bug type friction drive on it on ebay. He wanted 1200 for it I think. It didn't get any bids at all. Man either had no idea what he had or was just to arrogant to listen to those who did know.
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I put mine in backwards as well. It didn't require any special talent to get it backwards lol.... It took me about five long minutes to figure out that I hadn't wired it backwards. I had put the wheel in backwards. That's how dumb i was the first time.

as for sell anything at any price yeah. There was a guy with a sears free spirit bike with a bike bug type friction drive on it on ebay. He wanted 1200 for it I think. It didn't get any bids at all. Man either had no idea what he had or was just to arrogant to listen to those who did know.

I tried the wire thang too! laff Scared the bejesus out of me when it popped and sparked. I prayed I didn't short the battery or fry the controller. Yeah, talk about feeling dumb. rotfl :p
The kid makes a nice bike and I'd be the last person to try and take that away from him but I'm the guy holding the money.He isn't the only one making them.
Deacon you look great.His first powered bike will have training wheels
and 2 worried parents.He'll have a smile a mile wide riding with Granddad.

Grouchy your right.There is no full charge.I may call him but I think the e-mail he is going to get first will set up the playing field.
An old timer told me when I was young that cash is king and he was wearing the crown.
Nobody has proven him wrong yet.
My folks often wondered over the years if I was wired backwards also.
yep now we both know they pop and spark and burn the cable a bit but they don't blow the controller. I was terrified.