I got a speedo off another bike we purchased used. A Schwinn unit. It's alright and gives us an idea of about how fast we're going.
The hub motor appears to be in good condition. Rust is only on the spoke nipples and that's it. The rest is an aluminum rim with stainless spokes. Funny how they didn't use stainless nipples as well.
We hooked it up to my battery pack and it turned so we know the motor works and is not frozen. Going to clean it up a bit and decide which bike to put it on. It's a 24v 400watt unit and came with a thumb throttle and charger. Not bad for.............80 BUCKS!!!
Only reason the seller got rid of it was that it wouldn't get him up hills. I just kinda looked at him and said that these are called pedal assist for a reason and we laughed. He also told me he could get up to 17 or 18 mph on the flats. Just a tad less than my 450 watt geared motor rig.
His old battery pack is just like what I have so it's on the charger right now. Don't know if it'll hold a charge as it hasn't been charged for over 2 months, according to the seller. We'll see if the light turns green and I'll figure out how to use that multimeter to get a reading.
Hoping to get it fitted to a bike sometime this week. Will post pics.
Here's something to think on. How come these batteries are held together with electrical tape? My first 2 packs, the tape was shifting and pealing and leaving a grand'ol mess of adhesive. Cleaned them up and wrapped them nicely with duct tape. A man's best friend.

Now they look more....professional, for lack of a better word. The pack that came with this hub motor was exactly the same. Pealing electrical tape.
Oh yeah, here's a link to the company that made this rig. I hope it's okay to do this. The rig I bought is only 400 watt and they no longer have it listed. As you can see, I got a pretty darned good deal at on $80. Most of the rigs are going for over $300.