The California Kid

Walter F.

New Member
I know I'll get a big boo from all the Harley purists out there, but gee fellas it's the only way I could figure to make that ugly tank look BETTER!(c)Walter F.
wow! the Kid looks pretty darned good, Walter! when you said chopper-style frame, you really meant chopper style!

have you ridden it yet?
wow! the Kid looks pretty darned good, Walter! when you said chopper-style frame, you really meant chopper style!

have you ridden it yet?

Not exactly, I rode to the end of the driveway a coupla times. I have a pullstart kit on it right now, till I get the kinks out. It's to wide for the pedals to clear. After I get it running right I'll take pull start off and hook up my chain so I'll have some BRAKES. I got a coaster brake. There are some more pics under Pictures & Videos. You can only do 4 pictures at a time so I put 4 here and 4 there. I guess management will put them where they want them and that's fine. Uncle Kudzu keep the rubber side down!(c)Walter F.
Man Walter, All I can say if FINALLY!!!! haha
No really, the chopper looks sweet! Time to take that chopper out past the curb and rip it down the street a couple of time!!!!^5
So far so good, it's 3/4 BX flex conduit. I used the same stuff on my Cushman Eagle too many years ago to count. It works good as long as you don't try to bend it too tight. Happy Trails Walter F.
I was going to ask the same question, I thought that looked like conduit :)

How did you couple it to the exhaust manifold? No muffler, eh?

Pretty cool bike, I must say.

Just as a tip, you don't have to start a new thread to post 4 more pics, you can just post a reply to your own thread with more. It's just 4 pics per post :)

Hmmm...I wonder if the flex conduit would work for me. Might look better than the dented pipe I have now (had to beat it with a hammer to bend it)
Price Home Depot 3/4" BX conduit $14.00 for 25 feet. I just cut the flange and as much straight pipe as I could and it fits nicely inside the BX. Look close and you will see I just used plumbers strap for the pipe clamps and painted the whole pipe with Hi-temp flat black. Happy Trails Walter F.
Don't sweat the biker types. Beauty is a thing to behold. & MOST bikers have more miles
on their butts than their tongues. Later Tramp Oh, Real fine bike! (c)
I wonder how the conduit will hold up after 3 hours of riding? If it can withstand the heat, I might experiment with a similar exhaust setup.
Can't answer that one Sarge, I haven't run the Kid for 3 hours straight. If it's any help I used the same stuff on my Cushman Scooter in 1958 with no problem, had to have "straight exhaust" no muffler. It was a 4 cycle engine but I don't think that matters. Happy Trails Walter F.
I used the conduit on my new project bike and there's oil spraying out all over the frame and my pant leg :(

Any suggestions for a solution?
OIL??? Where could oil be coming from? I'm gonna have to think about this one. Are you saying the pipe is leaking? I'll get back to you. Walter F.
Sarge, is it leaking where the conduit hooks to the exhaust flange? If its spraying enough to wet your pant leg you have a problem in the engine dept. When I ran a straight exhaust the end of the pipe was always dry as a powderhouse. Talk to me some more about this a pic would be great! We'll figger it out Sarge don't worry. Walter F.
The conduit is really just one piece of metal coiled which is not air tight. The oil/exhaust is seeping between the gaps. The good part is that its acting almost like an expansion chamber and this particular motor has noticeably more torque than the ones with the stock sealed exhaust pipes.
The bad part is that the oil in the exhaust is making kind of a little mess.