The Atomic BB got low

50 buck forks eh?

Yeah, buy 'em and ride 'em and throw 'em inna trash.

I was going to try these things, but after all the blues I hear, I'm just going to remain rigid.
50 buck forks eh?

Yeah, buy 'em and ride 'em and throw 'em inna trash.

I was going to try these things, but after all the blues I hear, I'm just going to remain rigid.

Blues? Nah what you heard was death metal bwahahahahahah but seriously tho - all parts wear that's just the facts of life. Sometimes to achive the perfect look you put on parts that wear faster than others. I ALWAYS do a pre flight inspection of my bike. Then I fix what needs fixin and keep it moving. To think that any part is indestuctable is flawed thinking ;) and as far as forks go rigid forks just ride harsh. Personally I'd be willing to trade a little work now and again for a " softer " ride \m/ >.< \m/
Get a set of commercial grade triple tree down hill grade competition forks. They will last forever. i have yet to ever break a set. Got 6 or seven lying around here. A reealy old set of smaller ultra light Rockshox Judy's from more than 12 years back with prolly 25,000 miles on them. Never changes the seals on them put a good seal conditioner on the fork crown seals they never rotted! Never ever took those forks apart!

Would not even begin to believe how much grocery's etc were hung and hauled on those handle bars!!! I never do freaky ramping stunts lol. I do bring home the bacon on those puppies tho..;):)

Here is a set that were too small on one of my bikes I later swapped them out . Gonna put them on a freaky fast electric one of these days? Got them on Craigslist for 200 dollars completely refurbished with new seals etc.
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Blues? Nah what you heard was death metal bwahahahahahah but seriously tho - all parts wear that's just the facts of life. Sometimes to achive the perfect look you put on parts that wear faster than others. I ALWAYS do a pre flight inspection of my bike. Then I fix what needs fixin and keep it moving. To think that any part is indestuctable is flawed thinking ;) and as far as forks go rigid forks just ride harsh. Personally I'd be willing to trade a little work now and again for a " softer " ride \m/ >.< \m/

Get a set of commercial grade triple tree down hill grade competition forks. They will last forever. i have yet to ever break a set. Got 6 or seven lying around here. A reealy old set of smaller ultra light Rockshox Judy's from more than 12 years back with prolly 25,000 miles on them. Never changes the seals on them put a good seal conditioner on the fork crown seals they never rotted! Never ever took those forks apart!

Would not even begin to believe how much grocery's etc were hung and hauled on those handle bars!!! I never do freaky ramping stunts lol. I do bring home the bacon on those puppies tho..;):)

Here is a set that were too small on one of my bikes I later swapped them out . Gonna put them on a freaky fast electric one of these days? Got them on Craigslist for 200 dollars completely refurbished with new seals etc.

Goat Herder, what he said.
Sorry I guess that could have been taken as harsh? I actually do like the look of those forks.. and do understand the need for them. With all the crap I have been building around here. When you do get these figured out?? I might want a set for a spare loner bike .. It would be eccentric looking..
when you bought your forks off ebay, did you have to buy a new headset or can you re use the old one from the original forks.

these are the bent ones im looking at getting

these are the strait ones i been eyeing

I have a set of the second ones you listed here and they do have a washer behind the nut and bolt head. They came this way and are from Taiwan not China so they might be a little better quality.


I have a set of the second ones you listed here and they do have a washer behind the nut and bolt head. They came this way and are from Taiwan not China so they might be a little better quality.

Mine had a washer on the nut side, but not on the bolt head side.

I did kind of keep tightening the bolt every time I thought I felt any extra wear, and I probably made the wear worse from over tightening. I wasn't paying much attention because I was having too much fun riding.
I like the looks of that bike. The speedo cable accentuates the look very nicely. I afraid that I am just too big for thoses forks? I can make a reel sweet loner bike for company tho !!
Mine had a washer on the nut side, but not on the bolt head side.

I did kind of keep tightening the bolt every time I thought I felt any extra wear, and I probably made the wear worse from over tightening. I wasn't paying much attention because I was having too much fun riding.

What I have thought about is seeing how much it would cost to get the big fork tubes fabricated out of some stronger stuff. Also have a solid pivot tube welded into the area where the pivot bolt goes through the fork tube. I don't think the rest of the fork assembly is that bad of quality, it's just there at the pivot point.
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What I have thought about is seeing how much it would cost to get the big fork tubes fabricated out of some stronger stuff. Also have a solid pivot tube welded into the area where the pivot bolt goes through the fork tube. I don't think the rest of the fork assembly is that bad of quality, it's just there at the pivot point.

My friends and I agree with you. I've given some thought to the same thing. It's the pivot on the big tube that needs help.
I got 2 new sets of bent forks yesterday from a eBay store. Even though they were from a totally different store than the orginal forks I bought, these are the exact same ones.

I've already installed them last night, and test rode about 6 miles. This time I decided to try lube on the pivots. The only thing I did to them was, file flat the rough edges of the pivots a little bit.

The ride went from loose and sloppy feeling, to tight, and stiff feeling.
I have a set of the second ones you listed here and they do have a washer behind the nut and bolt head. They came this way and are from Taiwan not China so they might be a little better quality.



im soooooo glad you posted this picture - i was wondering about the looks of these forks and if they offered any "stretch" to the front end. im thinking these are the ones imma get. i love the bent springer look but skrilla just got super tight and i cant afford to have to replace more than just the forks atm. another question tho - does the pivot bolt allow for a washer on the bolt head side? meaning is it long enough?
The set I bought has a washer on both the nut and head side. It is the same forks from the second link posted earlier that was listed a few posts ago.
The set I bought has a washer on both the nut and head side. It is the same forks from the second link posted earlier that was listed a few posts ago.

I just installed a new set of bent forks. They were from a different vender, but were the same as before. These only have a washer on the nut side.

This time I cleaned up the pivots a little with a file, and lubed them up. I didn't overtighten them. These feel like the spring is a little stronger.
I just installed a new set of bent forks. They were from a different vender, but were the same as before. These only have a washer on the nut side.

This time I cleaned up the pivots a little with a file, and lubed them up. I didn't overtighten them. These feel like the spring is a little stronger.

You could change the spring over to the new one if you like the other spring better. I don't think that will hurt the new forks in any way that I can see.
You could change the spring over to the new one if you like the other spring better. I don't think that will hurt the new forks in any way that I can see.

I'm thinking the stiffer one might help them last longer. This spring is a little more for my size than the last one.
Are you able to buy different springs? I have seen different replacement springs but not ones that say lighter or heavier...

I don't think so. After installing a new fork, I'm keeping it luned better than the last one. It's too early to tell yet. Also I may have over tightened the pivot bolt on the last set.