The Aftermath. The new guy...


$50 Cruiser
Jan 17, 2013
Where cattle outnumber people 3 to 1.
Hello all. Recently a highway patrollman and I disagreed on how much Guinness Stout I had consumed that day. Now, I absolutely refuse to operate a motor vehicle untill he apologizes... or six months pass. A friend of a friend had the same problem and sold me the gas-bike he'd parked more than a year ago, for $50. Good deal methinks. It's a Schwinn Del Mar with a Huashengtaishan 49cc 4 stroke engine, and Grubee stage 3 gearbox. UPDATE: I've only been a member here for about a week, and all of my questions were answered. Also interacted with some interesting people. I'd like to thank GearNut for giving me multiple answers at once, even though I wasn't exactly in the right forum. That "Norm's two stroke repair center" is a cool option. I'll get some pics of my Cruiser re-build up as soon as it's running.
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Sep 4, 2009
Re: DUI Aftermath. The new guy...

Welcome aboard! Your friend gave you that bike! That thing is worth like $600 easy. It should serve you well during your 6 months cause I don't think the trooper's gonna apologise LOL (I like the way you put that)


Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2010
Re: DUI Aftermath. The new guy...

If you are going to be using it for a daily rider I would start by taking it apart going through everything grease lube tighten and loc tight everything. Figure how everything works together. And ride it.
Sep 4, 2009
Re: DUI Aftermath. The new guy...

My 6 months ended mid December...I got out 12-30 so my license was good...for like a week...they scewed up and required an interlock on a car (I don't own one) which is supposed to be while on probation. I'm applying for disability (they win I no longer use alcohol for pain management I quit!). I understand the DUI laws but dang I have never caused any injuries or even damaged anything on booze I usually stay home. I've logged over a million miles transit bus & truck drivin. Now that I've had my whine did I mention I LOVE riding bikes and am looking forward to motorizing another one!


a guy who makes cool bikes
Aug 18, 2009
living the dream in southern california
Re: DUI Aftermath. The new guy...

you really should check on your local laws, too.

here in california, a motorized bike is still considered a motor vehicle, and you need a license to ride it.

i've seen a lot of unscrupulous (or just stupid) sellers claiming you don't need a license, and their bikes are perfect if you have a DUI.

if you get pulled over here, you might as well be driving your car with a suspended license. same penalty.

sorry to be a downer, just tryin' to save you some hassles...

Jim C

Jul 11, 2010
Long Beach Calif
Re: DUI Aftermath. The new guy...

I happen to be a Substance Abuse Counselor and am doing DUI work in Calif. The use of a motor bicycle would violiate the 6 month suspension. Refusal to take the breath or blood test is a guilty plea and the suspension is automatic. Had you taken the test and been .08 BAC or higher the suspension would have been 10 days or sign up for a DUI school and show proof of imsurance (SR 22 ). Then the suspension will go to a restricted licence. A pedal bike is ok but a motor bike no way. But you got a good deal on a bike.


Feb 22, 2012
osceola IN
Re: DUI Aftermath. The new guy...

Refusal to take the breath or blood test is a guilty plea and the suspension is automatic.
I love the fact that states make these laws that are a violation of our constitution. IE the fifth Admendment or even the right to remain silent. Here they must get a court ordered blood test, ya know wake up a judge type thing. Gotta love both of our country's left coast. I know our politicians here have lost o good amount common sense but wow it seems the closer they get to salt water the more common sense they lose. Sorry ya'll just a rant from an ole soldier.

Jim C

Jul 11, 2010
Long Beach Calif
Re: DUI Aftermath. The new guy...

Rick I always thought there was salt water on both coasts (who knew?) The refusal to take the test is remaining silent it is a no contest plea. Driving drunk is not free speach and the ticket is a court order that can be refused but it has consequences. But he really got a good deal on the bike.


$50 Cruiser
Jan 17, 2013
Where cattle outnumber people 3 to 1.
Re: DUI Aftermath. The new guy...

chainmaker: I'll only be riding a couple times a week thru Montana winter- warm today 38*! LokTite; will do, thanks.

george_n_texas: It's pretty incredible huh? The 1st time HAS to be the last time man...

Bairdco: You're not being a downer. As a matter of fact, I do need to see the local laws myself. Thanks for the reminder.

Jim C.: 10 days? Planet California, my friend. Where few things are logical, and life is awsome. Yeah, I'm learning that it was a good deal!

RickRides: No need for em all to keep arguing and carrying on. And no need to re-invent the wheel. Stop doing anything that's not Constitutional. I hear some smart fellas took a couple days to write that thing... let's just do what it says right there! HUAW


Feb 22, 2012
osceola IN
Re: DUI Aftermath. The new guy...

Rick I always thought there was salt water on both coasts (who knew?) The refusal to take the test is remaining silent it is a no contest plea. Driving drunk is not free speach and the ticket is a court order that can be refused but it has consequences. But he really got a good deal on the bike.
Hey Jim, I mentioned Both left coast in my mini rant, a political poke. No dui isnt free speech, they right to stay silent is got nothing to do with 1st Admendment. YEs a good deal on the bike. Like I was saying just the rambling of an irritated ole soldier