Thanking Hiker

I didn't realize the source of the smilies - I thought they were very cool when I saw them wondering if it was an addon for the BBS service - good show & nicely done

Seeing where Hiker is from, yay a Yooper hey der - I'm a troll (below the bridge) and a wannabe Yooper - I think the UP gets 9 months of winter and 3 months of warming up

Don reddd
I posted this on another thread but it bares (bears?) repeating.

".......Might even finally get the flying/floating motorized bicycle built!


Hiker made both those smilies way back just for that insane idea. Miss him. Hate when folks go MIA.... "

Any way, thanks again Hiker.
Great little things that make the forum more fun no doubt..... sure be nice to hear from Hiker again on here.

I've got to get my glasses checked, or clean them.
I couldn't imagine why anyone would want to thank an evil German dictator.

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I've got to get my glasses checked, or clean them.
I couldn't imagine why anyone would want to thank an evil German dictator.


You got me laughing on that one......tuekin!

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I had no idea where those animations came from. But I always thought that they were charming.

So my hat's off to Hiker.

It is sad when likeable folks disappear, isn't it? Looking through old threads I see all sorts of people who's posts were often a lot of fun, but who are now nowhere to be seen.