Tanaka PF-3300 on Amazon for $89.00 (New)

Yeah, the little Tanaka is a cool motor. Starts easy, idles nice, more noise than the EH035 but way less than a happy time.

Perfect motor for my stand up scooter.
I 've decided to give the little Tanaka a chance to grow on me (its just so quiet & refined). It is the quietest engine I have owned even quieter than the Robin Subaru EH035. I went & ordered a power pipe off eBay for $39.99 + $14.95 shipping. Here is a pic of what it looks like & I should have it some time during the week. Cant wait to see what kind of improvement it'll give this engine. Way back, I owned a Yamaha moped QT50 that went 28 mph with stock restrictive exhaust. I installed a sweet power pipe on it & cut a few holes in the airbox & it went 50 mph....Hoping to get some kind of improvement but not expecting that much...


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Just an update since the addition of the power pipe.
It fits perfectly & came with mounting hardware. Its made for running the engine on the right side of the bike (not backwards like on a friction drive).
It wakes this little engine up. The stock muffler is very restrictive possibly due to the catalyst to make it conform to emission stds. It is definitely louder, but not in an obnoxious way (like my Cag stage2). It sounds good when the engine 'gets on the pipe' & pulls hard to a better top rpm.
I am guessing it added about 10 mph to my top speed but I didnt keep the little stock muffler on there long enough to do top speed tests (was also breaking it in).
Worth evey penny of the $55 spent.
Thanks for the info. I have that engine (3300) on a friction drive. It goes 28mph with the 1.25" roller. I wondered if the crapalytic converter was holding it back.
The stock muffler costs about $35 to replace, so I'd like to know if there is a box-type scooter muffler that will work, esp one that fits under the stock shield. If not, that's ok but I like having the guard over the muffler.

Here's some mods I did to the T 3300: http://motorbicycling.com/showpost.php?p=376086&postcount=32 It's still loud, but not ear-ringing obnoxiously loud, and the dogs seem less interested in it. At 15mph or less, it isn't unpleasant, and at top speed, it sounds less offensive than weedeaters and blowers, sort of a changed frequency.

I think it would be cool if someone made a small, fat baffler exhaust for this engine. Maybe sometime I'll make friends with someone who likes welding, and can put one together.
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Nice intake alterations. I havent done anything to my intake side (yet), & by adding the expansion chamber, I picked up noticeable performance. It seems to run well without fussing with the stock jetting. I was looking into the aftermarket velocity stacks/filters & juice boxes but will probably just hold off & run it like this in case I get stuck in the rain, no water will enter my intake. We'll see, I do have a habit of tweaking & may end up with a kit...
Does anybody know of a replacement muffler for the PF3300, or a flange for using common mufflers? If so, I might like it, or it might give compatibility information.
When I bought the scooter pipe on eBay, it came with 2 header flanges (40cc & 33cc sizes) with 2 springs (like a dirtbike). From that small header piece, any number of expansion chamber pipes can be mounted to it (I use a small piece of flexpipe from Lowes to join the pieces and some clamps also from Lowes for about $5.00)
Thanks. I have decided to keep the stock muffler and cage because I ride this bike on Multi Use Paths a lot, and think a giant pipe is going to bring me bad attention. A lot of people don't even notice the motor if I am just pedaling, and most don't mind if I'm puttering along quietly and pedaling or using the residential streets.

The engine seemed to loosen up a little after a few months and now runs just a little faster. The rubber boot and boost bottle system are holding up fine and have made low-speed control superb. If I pick up the bike on the kickstand, I can ease the throttle up from idle till it just starts grabbing the clutch. The idle seems much smoother and I can climb steep hills with the trailer in tow, as long as I'll put in at least minimal effort with the pedal gears.
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The stock muffler is still apparently working well. I looked up another while pricing parts (the plastic cover that I damaged this weekend), and it is $90 some places. ROFL. jokers.

I saw it for $50 here: http://www.bladezscooters.com/catalog/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=811
Blades Scooters, but I'm not sure if that is the Tanaka brand pipe OEM or a generic box that fits.

Here is the engine running, in use at 10-15mph. It is not loud and did not reverberate off buildings in the area. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lr39-x0j0zQ
I look on Amazon sometimes in hopes of finding more of these. I saw today a listing for Tanaka 3300 carburetor $89 and got excited. But it's just the carburetor! (and the non adjustable one at that, surely.)
The same engine can be found on yard trimmers: TBC-340PF 32 cc 1.6 hp Straight Shaft Grass Trimmer Brush Cutter. If you find a reconditioned one you might be able to get it for under $300.