switched from gas to electric

Thats what I have now. Only I have the trailer attached to the side of the bike with one arm.
If you get 2 scooters and make them into one (scooter front and use two rear ends) - widen the stock rear shell with a cover between them and a central seat- it will LOOK like a mobility scooter. I see people with them around here on the side of the road going slow. Do you think you will be bothered? A trailer would attract attention.
I guess my preference would be to use some scooter parts hidden on a rack on a bike.
Mobility scooters are legal for sidewalk use only and for crossing the street, around 8-12mph. But must look like real mobility scooter. Also must have 3-4 wheels and seat.

I have 2 people that live near me with regular small trailers for there bikes,they ride on sidewalk and does not draw much attention,but they have no electric motors on them but they still ride fast. If the trailer is small enough and if the electronics are well covered,there would be no problem, aslong as peddaling when using electric motor for assitance.

Theres also the option of using electric motor and batterys hidden and conceiled on bike, Motor and battery could be labeled generator for lights.

Im waiting on scooters and parts and stuff,so i don't know what i have to work with yet...
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I made a trailer out of a push scooter, the idea was to put 2 car batteries in it. The trailer worked out very good but the 65 pounds of batteries didn't. I am envisioning one of those little e-scooters made into a trailer with a box covering the motor and batteries and rear drive chain. Sound foam to kill the chain and motor noise somewhat.
I used a GM steering u-joint for the connection to the bike rack. Pretty cool, it allows for turning, leaning and up/down, but always keeps the trailer on the same angle as the bike. The joint must be mounted like an addition mark - "+".
We have a 8 story low rent for the elderly building downtown here. Back when I actually got out some, I used to see a guy about seventy in a mobility scooter out riding on the sidewalk in the rain in front of the building. He was taking his old dog out for a walk. I think that speaks volumes to the kinds of people who ride those things on the sidewalk.
@Happy Jack
I said to Deacon that he has a medical excuse , which is true (that's why he doesn't have drivers license any more). I haven't told to anyone to fake disability , which is horrible thing to do . Just suggested that he , maybe , has right to do so and go legally (side walk was just an expression ).
As for "riding under the low" and "political views", that is something I have lot to say about(didn't wanted to spread of topic talk at the time) , just because I live in a country (small by American standard) where is easy to see trough various laws and regulations and their application(which , in this case , are in service of topping the budget , which is not used to improve traffic safety or conditions) . For some people (usually law abiding people ) such laws are very applicable and strict , for others (rich , connected etc..) are not, or they get by, just with a warning. And application of common sense is under a question too. Now , people who ride motorized bikes(low powered , unregistered) are (by that laws) public menace and safety hazard ; people who register their bikes are not (assuming the same power and speed)? Next , more registered bikes are involved in accidents(in contrast with unregistered) , just because they are registered , so people who rides them are less careful (generalization , for the purpose of discussion) then those without registration (they are cautious because they might get caught) . There are many examples regarding traffic laws and other laws as well , but that comes under category of "political views" and I don't want to spread this further and get aggravated (which I tend to do when comes to politics).
I'm sorry for this off (I really hate to that), but I don't react well on false interpretations. I try very hard not to offend or aggravate anyone (jokes aside) and maybe it is a language problem (I often don't express myself properly), so I'm misunderstood .
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actually believe it or not I still have the license and tuesday next I'm going to take the test to renew it. If the tumor hasn't affected my eyes too much I might even pass since I only have to take the eye test. I think I might still have enough vision left to pass.

My daughter asked why I was going to even bother, Only because my wife's license is up for renewal at the same time.. If I have to go there anyway, I might as well try the eye test. I doubt that I could pass any other part of the test though.

But you are right I do have all kinds of doctors willing to swear i will be dead by thursday. they have done that in the past lol.

Most of the people here (me included) can not walk or peddal very far due to injuries substanded while working or from accidents and thats why we need helper motors on a bicycle. A mobility scooter is also a option, im not trieing to fake anything. being layed off of work and not receiving disabiliy due to many requirements and lack of insurance and the years of wait, im forced to fend for myself and work with injuries.
Deacon , if you pass medical tests and go back to driving cars , can we aspect threads with you modding your car?...LOL
As for death predictions , please , keep doctors surprised for many years (and us entertained).
No i cant drive again ever. My wife has threatened to call the highway patrol if i drive, unless it is to take here to the Emergency Room, Get the car from a distant parking lot in the rain, that kind of thing.
IF you want a gas or electric bike to help with your disability, I see that as a righteous pursuit.
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I put my half dead body on it for the illusion of freedom. Freedom in a four mile range kind of sad. More than four miles, I'm at the mercy of other folks.
Well , OK , it was a misunderstanding. As for local meaning (or comprehension) of words - it is possible; where I come from, "businessman" (original English pronunciation) usually signify a men who like to "fish in a murky water", or a mobster, or fraud...
Now , please , let's back on topic.
P.S. I know that my English is , sometimes , Tarzan like , but that is because I rarely use it in live conversation and movies and TV aren't best way to learn. That being said , I can post here, like hip-hop singer would (slang) , very well.
I think we are going to nice each other to death as usual. So let's just move on to something more interesting. Not that I can think of anything right off hand.