Super Coil Ignition


New Member
would this work on a china girl?

it wont let me post a link here but google or search on e-bay for "SUPER COIL IGNITION HONDA XR50 CRF50 XR 50 Pit Bike CDI"

im new to the forum and just got my first kit up and running and wanted to take a sec to say thanks for all the great healp im getting from everyone.
no that coil will not work. hey I come to Jeff every now and then and I try to bring 2 mb's with me my daughter lives there and my sister and Mom so we might meet sometime soon.
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hit me up next time your in town my bike isnt much to brag about but it seems to work good cant wait till i get it broke in and can really open her up, right now it seems to idel really high and cant get it to go down i adjusted that screw w/ the spring any thoughts?
your intake may be leaking at the gasket between the cylinder and the intake manifold or at the carb to intake manifold slip joint. take a can of either carb cleaner or starting fluid and spray it at these two places if it leaking the engine will either speed up or die then you will know you need to do a fix.
I use silicone form a gasket on the carb to intake joint and for the intake to cylinder I will make a gasket to replace the one there. The old gasket will need to be clean off completely off both surfaces to get a good seal.
To use the silicone smear a light coat around the intake manifold where it will slide into the carb try not to get it on the manifold end as you don't want it inside the intake. Slide the manifold into the carb and give it a little twist to get a good spread of the silicone and line up the seam on the manifold and the carb then tighten down on the pinch bolt you do not need to get western with that small bolt just tight so it won't fall off.
If you need a gasket PM me with your address and see what a uniformed government man will drop off at your door. I hope to see you in Mo. My daughter lives out on the end of town out past the mall off big horn drive.
My bikes are nothing to brag about either I have one that is real ratty and my favorite I'm not scared to scratch the paint or dent the tank.
i put some silicone gasket on the two areas this evening and will try it out tomarrow when it dries thanks for the tip.