suggestions for little person- bikes to motorize


New Member
Hi all,

Almost all of the bikes I've seen on this site and other sites are 26" male bikes. I am a relatively short, small female (5"4, 115 lb), and the adult male bikes are generally uncomfortable for me because of the distance between seat and handlebar, and also seat and pedals.

The female bikes I've looked at don't have much space for engine mounting. I don't care much about the "easy hop off-ness" of female bikes, and am contemplating a male kids bike or a lowrider.

Right now I ride a nonmotorized male mountain bike, and was considering motorizing that one, but the poor fit led to knee pain (patello-femoral something) because fullsize male bikes just dont seem to suit me.

If anyone has experience motorizing a female bike or a lowrider or male youth bike, I'd appreciate some advice!

Anyone here motorized a lil bike and can suggest something that could work for my size? Can't find smaller bikes that have space for mount.

I am on a very limited budget.

Thank you,

Do a search on OCC stingray. If you purchase on craigslist you can usuall find one for under $50.
The build is not as challanging as most would have you believe. However if you are mechanicaly challanged look up plug and play builds. Many 24 in bikes will accept motors.

The plywood behind the bike is 48 in. high, however guys up to 5-8 ride this model (usuall under power only).


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A trike (tricycle) might be another suggestion. There are several here who have built them. Not a child's tricycle...the adult sized ones.
Do a search on OCC stingray. If you purchase on craigslist you can usuall find one for under $50.
The build is not as challanging as most would have you believe. However if you are mechanicaly challanged look up plug and play builds. Many 24 in bikes will accept motors.

The plywood behind the bike is 48 in. high, however guys up to 5-8 ride this model (usuall under power only).

Like the look of that one. 299 on amazon though AAH. Already threw out some $ on a crappy ebikie before deciding to build a gas bike, so can't afford much. Checking craigslist now, and maybe tomorrow will have some fun searching at thrift stores. I've seen bikes there before when I wasn't looking for them. Next stop will be the dump.

Currently, I am mechanically challenged, but one of the main goals for the project is to become less mechanically challenged. I don't think I'm mechanically challenged by nature, but was raised in a non-handy home, where the only tool we had was a hammer. To crack coconuts. And I went to a tiny all girls school where there were no shop classes or anything, so I was never exposed. So, I am currently extremely ignorant and unpracticed mechanically, but have a desire to learn practical skills.
I have no problem with researching online and struggling with my meager skillset and knowledge. And if I have a huge problem, as a last resort, there's always a handy engineer friend. But the point of this project is to learn something (and to get reliable transportation!)

For that reason, I do not want to choose the premade bikes or an option that requires little work. What I need is a kit that by putting it together, I will learn how things work. A kit that comes with clear directions (not in Chinese!) with pictures would be ideal. basically, a fairly foolproof kit that comes with a manual that makes sense. Price is also a big deal because I'm currently unemployed, and a student. 50cc is the limit because of MO laws.

on craigslist..hmmm

ah, looked up "plug and play". lol, didn't know what that meant. so...nice little choppers and female styled bikes would not generally be "plug and play". Gotcha.
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You say the fit from seat to handlebars can be a bit much? The older green Moon Dog (mens cruiser) bikes are a shorter frame and have looong pullback bars.

Also, I have seen beach cruiser 20 and 24" bike with an engine kit mounted up, no problem, and easier than the Stingray type chopper bikes fo'sho'!

If you have the desire to overcome your lack of mechanical prowess, you have the battle half won.
I think if you upgraded the handlebars to cruiser/curl kind of handlebars on your current bike would be the route to go since you are short on cash,that could just save you for the money and the knee pain.