hello everyone, this is my first post and I don't know to much about the whole motor bicycle thing, but I know bicycles basically inside out and I do have some knowledge with working with engines.
And since the economy the way it is I'm not getting a motorcycle of a dirt bike so this is my next choice. and here is what I want to do. To sum it up I want a bike with I'm thinking a least a 80cc engine and a transmission. (maybe a honda xr80 motor and tranny) I want enough low end power to pop a wheelie easily with enough high end to travel at faster speeds 30 mph would make me happy but faster is always better.
please help
any idea are welcome.
thank you
And since the economy the way it is I'm not getting a motorcycle of a dirt bike so this is my next choice. and here is what I want to do. To sum it up I want a bike with I'm thinking a least a 80cc engine and a transmission. (maybe a honda xr80 motor and tranny) I want enough low end power to pop a wheelie easily with enough high end to travel at faster speeds 30 mph would make me happy but faster is always better.
please help
any idea are welcome.
thank you