Stretch & Chopper Build Sources, Bikes, Parts, & Build List's

re: Stretch & Chopper Build Sources, Bikes, Parts, & Build List's

Hey just wanted to know if anyone has information regarding more companies selling Stretch Cruisers & Choppers, would be great to have any new companies added here that aren't listed yet!

Peace Crazy Horse.

Notice Californians:

XYZ-Bikes still selling the $169.00 XL-Chopper according to their flea-bay site they have 10+ XL-Choppers.

Only available for pickup in Torrence, California and no delivery!!!

Chopper 001 - Black - Medium

This Chopper is just in! Cruise along the beach in this new Chopper Beach Cruiser. This Chopper Beach Cruiser comes in a very nice black color with red decals. This bike is for anyone from between 5' to 6' feet tall. It has a rear fender and dual front and back hand brakes. It's a beauty but it can also bite. This beach cruiser unlike a regular beach cruiser is stretched longer and is lower to the ground, which can make riding more difficult. Also it is not that simple to put together. It involves a lot of tweaking here and there to get all the adjustments and everything just right. If your in the area come on down and buy it directly from us, right off the sales floor, otherwise just make sure you get it assembled by a professional.
Once you get this bike going it's a smooth ride that will make anyone jealous. So just cruise along down by the strand and watch the envious expressions of others as you pass them by. Be the talk of the beach with your new Chopper beach cruiser. Buy one today!This bicycle is brand new and sold in the box. Bicycle comes about 80% assembled. It takes about 20 minutes to assemble your brand new bicycle. You can assemble at home, we however recommend professional assembly. Visit your nearest bike shop and you can get your bike assembled at cost of $10-$25.

Here's the ebay XYZ-Bikes Link:
Chopper 001 - Black - Medium - eBay (item 360205276352 end time Oct-31-10 18:15:55 PDT)

Here's a pic of mine with ATV engine, this is an ongoing build:

For more information regarding these style builds, using an engine from an ATV / Pitbike / Dirtbike, see the Chinese cloned Honda cfr 50cc horizontal engines, checkout the thread started by BarelyAWake: Alternate Honda CRF 50cc Type Horizontal 4 Stroke Engines:

Peace Crazy Horse.
Updated this thread today November 10, 2011

Just wanted to ask for those of you who want to share information about Stretch Cruisers & Chopper Bicycles and where to buy a complete bike or where to buy parts & materials for a custom build.

If you've completed a custom build please share a build list if you have one.

If you don't know what a build list is then please read the build list by Graucho quoted below, Fat Tire Chopper Build List.

Peace C.H.
P.S.Thanks to all the forum members who have shared their Bike & Build & Source information here!
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i got my micargi mustang gts from it was 289.00 plus 80.00 shipping in the middle of putting it together. almost done fabbing the motor mounts and waiting on manic mechanic to get back up and running for the sprocket to mount to the 68 spoke wheels. also have purchased parts from sbp and jnmotors they both have been very helpful.
Hey, CH; Can bother you for the measurements of the Schwinn XL? PM me, and I'll tell you exactly what I need (to build one, since I can't find one).

Haven't heard from you in a while, hope all is well!
either that, or the measurements of a Micargi Mustang, or the Stretch Limo Cruiser (the one with the straight down tube... In fact, if anyone reading this can get this (measure yours, if you have one), I'd be grateful.
maciver, what dimensions are you asking for???
I have a Mustang and would be happy to take measurements for you ;)
he wants the length from the seat tube to the down tube then the length of the down tube i bet thats the numbers most needs
It'll cost me over $100 to ship a frame here, I just found. I need a sketch of the entire frame, with the measurements... I'm going to have to build one. It won't be as pretty, especially welds! I'll have to find a supplier for dropouts, and I'll make a brain fork too! I wished I could afford that 125cc engine, it's what I wanted to do, after talking with Crazy Horse, ( had many conversations with him, on the phone... he's dropped off the radar though, hasn't been on here either). I didn't want to get a generic name, and I couldn't afford the Lifan right now, so I got the 212cc Harbor Freight Predator, for $99.

I saw how Sportsman Flyer cut his frame, took all the stuff off the motor (plastics & tank, etc) puts a custom drive train, air filter and more on his, but once I get my engine, I'll need to build a frame around it... pretty much. But the stretch cruiser is the look I want. If I could have all the measurements, every tube, (rough, not exact) then I'd have a starting point to begin building... I am even weighing building it out of PVC, then wrapping it in 3-4 layers of Carbon Fiber... but with the cost of vacuum materials, it's actually not a money saver!

Thanks for the offer, I look forward to your reply!

Mark MacIver
[email protected]

Here's the measurements per your request:

Default XL measurements
I appreciate the measurements, thanks. Could I trouble you to measure the down tube (from headset to the bottom bracket) and the seat tube length? thanks!

The head tube to bottom bracket is 16-1/2" pic attached or click on link to my OCC Choppers Album.


Here's the direct link to complete album' Occ Stingray Build/

Checkout all the room the XL has for either 212cc harbor freight or Honda Pit bike dirt bike etc cloned engines.


The top tube is from head tube to rear triangle upper is 30" & bottom tube from bottom bracket to rear triangle lower is 22".

The reason I mentioned the Walmart Tandem is that it could easily be modified to a stretch cruiser, only if they"ll ship to PR.

Here's the link to walmarts Kent 21 speed Tandem Bicycle:

This is the Build List thread, for those looking for specialty parts for Stretch Cruisers, Choppers, and Super Fat, or even Basman Style Builds and where to purchase parts and materials.

Kudo's for Graucho, leading the way so to speak in Showing us his so called Build List of Parts and supplies, and where to purchase them.
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The red schwinn picture is the rare occ xxl.I saw that picture last year & called a ad on american listed but it was already sold so i'll have to ride my spoiler, unless some one knows were one is for sale?
BUMP, Thread Update 2013

This Thread is intended to be a build source for those contemplating a Motorized Stretch Cruiser Bicycle or Motorized OCC Chopper Style Bicycle.

If you haven't already read through this complete thread from the start you may miss a post that has the information you may need for your build or you may see someones build list here and find a part or Idea for your build(s).

Where to find parts for builds, like Completed Motorized Stretch Cruisers or Motorized Chopper Bicycles, Stretch Cruiser Bicycle Frames, Chopper Bicycle Frames, Builders Build Lists, links to other forum members Stretch Cruiser & Chopper Bicycle Builds, what type of Engine / Motor they used, where they sourced they're parts / components for their builds.

I'm always searching for American Made motorized parts / components / accessories for Motorized my Stretch Cruiser Bicycles & Motorized Chopper Bicycles.

I found that an American Company is now offering a new American Made Extra Wide ( aka WIDE RIDE FATBOY FORKS ) Triple Tree Forks which are perfect for my Motorized Stretch Cruiser & Motorized Chopper builds.

Thanks to Jim at Pedalchoppers, we now have a source for these forks.
Click on Link below to see these amazing WIDE RIDE Fatboy Front Forks, for will work / fit just about any style build.

I'm in the process of using my new set of these very same forks, for one of my Motorized Chopper builds, these forks have Disc Brake Tabs and can easily handle 20-inch 24-inch even 26-inch front wheels.

Thanks, to Pedalchoppers we now have a supplier for almost everything needed for our Motorized Stretch Cruiser Builds or our Motorized Chopper Builds. Pedalchoppers prices are reasonable and his products for Motorized Bicycles are far Superior to some I've used.

If you have a supplier for Stretch Cruiser Frames or parts etc...
OCC Style Chopper Bicycle Frames or Parts...
Links to other Members Motorized Stretch Cruiser & Motorized Chopper Builds, please share it here for others contemplating this style of Motorized Bicycle Build!

What's a Motorized Bicycle Build List?

Answer. See Graucho's Fat Tire Chopper Build post# 34
Click Link below to see the most complete and detailed build list / supplier List that I've ever seen posted / shared here in the forum

If you've never built a Motorized Stretch Cruiser Bicycle or Motorized OCC Style Chopper Bicycle you don't know what you are missing!

WARNING BTW, it's an addicting hobby you can expect the following enjoyable experiences

something that you do because you enjoy it or because it is interesting

something that you enjoy doing

an occasion when someone does too much of something they enjoy, such as drinking

a very enjoyable experience

a new activity or experience that is different and enjoyable

crowd pleaser
someone or something that large numbers of people, especially audiences, always like or enjoy

something that gives you pleasure or happiness

something that you enjoy doing

an activity or subject that you are interested in and excited about

something pleasant or exciting that helps you to forget about real life and the boring or unpleasant parts of it

something that makes you feel excited

something that someone enjoys a lot, in a way that is unusual or unreasonable

things that are nice to have but not essential

something that you enjoy doing when you are not working

something special that someone does for pleasure, not because they need to

an activity that you enjoy doing when you are not working

something that makes you feel very happy or pleased

activities that you do to relax or enjoy yourself

relating to activities that you do to relax or enjoy yourself

something that you enjoy very much

something expensive that you enjoy but do not really need

something that you would like to do but is not completely necessary

something that you very much enjoy because you do not get it very often

something that you do in your free time

something that produces a strong enthusiasm or interest in you

something that you do regularly for fun in your free time

something that makes you feel happy and satisfied

an activity that you enjoy

things that you do to enjoy yourself

an activity that is done for enjoyment

You may have a revelation
a surprising and enjoyable experience that makes you realize something that you previously had not known

something that gives you this feeling of pleasure

Social life is more fun
the time that you spend enjoying yourself with friends

It's adds to your social life
the opportunities to do enjoyable things that exist in a particular place

Make it a spree
a short period that you spend doing a particular activity, especially something enjoyable such as spending money or whatever

It's therapeutic
an activity that makes you feel happy or that helps you to deal with your problems

It's a thrill
something that gives you a thrill

It's tonic
something that makes you feel happier or healthier

It's a treat
something special that you do or buy for yourself or someone else

It can be a trip
an unusual and enjoyable experience

outside interests/experience/knowledge etc
interests/experience/knowledge etc that are not connected with, or not a result of, the work that you do in your present job

the holiday/experience/chance etc of a lifetime
the best holiday/experience/chance etc that you will ever have

the time of your life
a very enjoyable experience

I'd say this and much more has been my experience with Motorized Bicycling.
