still wont start


New Member
It's been over a week and the motor still wont start even with a B6HS spark plug. Looked into the sparkplug hole and saw no gas, rolled the bike forward with the clutch out, to turn the engine over & see if it pukes gas out of the sparkplug hole but nothings coming out. Took carb out to see if there's gas coming out of the pipe but nothing. I wired it right black-black, blue-blue, but did not wire the kill switch. Petcock is set to on, gas is flowing into the brass fuel inlet and choke lever is all the way up.
Rowenj - Sounds like you are vigilant and will get the thing running. When you were pushing the bike with the spark plug out, did you have it on the engine block to see the spark? You could shoot some starting fluid in the intake to see if it will fire that would indicate if it is fuel. Only shoot one time there is no oil in the starting fluid, you can shoot some WD40 in there first if you are concerned about the lack of oil. Use the tickle button to add extra fuel also for starting. Have fun, Dave
simple look got spark got fuel . quick chech spray a hint 40 pentrating lube to play with looking , dont foul your plug for thinking chech it for wet ,spark might be weak weak
All right settle down, you and the engine need a little rest from each other. Take a day or two and don't mess with it. When you get all exasperated your brain "knocks out of gear" and you won't never beat it

Now when you go back these are simple engines, if they have SPARK and FUEL they will run



That's all there is, don't let this simple thing beat YOU!

For an engine to run you must have spark (fire as my dad said) and you must have fuel, you must have compression (air) and you must have all happen at the same time and in the right amounts.

Not quite as simple as fuel and spark but it isn't complicated either. Test them one at a time till you know you have them.

Lay the plug on the head of the motor. put a block of some kind (concrete block is good) under the bike frame so the rear wheel is off the ground. turn the wheel with the light out. Now look for a spark. If you see a blue spark, stop worrying about the plug wire and electrical system and move on.

Is the plug wet after a try to start it. If it is wet then stop worrying about your carb for now.

Is your manifold sealed. That is the single largest problem with these engines. Almost all of them leak air at the intake manifold connection. Seal that connection with silicone sealant or put an "O" ring in the bottom of the connect. (that was my choice)

Now if you do that and it doesn't start, Take a look at your magneto. Once in a very long time someone gets one with a sheered key. That allows the magneto to move and it sparks at the wrong time.

If you get that far and it still won't start let us know the results of your tests and maybe we can come up with something else. But be systematic go one step at a time verify each thing then move on and forget it.
If no fuel is coming out of the carb, then the screen in the tank (petcock) is probably plugged with ****. Clean it out, and confirm fuel flow first to the float bowl (push the tickler until you see fuel) then give it half choke and it will start.
Unscrew the screw at the bottom of the carb float bowl. Fuel should ooze out if things are flowing. I had to mess with my China motor for quite a while (a couple of evenings) to get it running. Once it starts the first time, you should have no further problems.
Thanks bikeguy joe, the screen filter was clog with s*** now its flowing freely but now the carb is leaky.
If leaking out the filter area its the flout in the bowl, trash in the needle valve seet , or a adjustment to the flout is in need . keep us posted well make a rider out of you yet!
It wont be long now, and that little thing will be buzzing around. The buggers got in the carb and fouled the fuel stop. Have fun, Dave
I doubt you will need it, but a honda dealer (motorcycle) has stuff called Honda Bond. I use it. It is not affected by gas and don't get hard. Use it with your gaskets not in place of them and it will seal any gas leak involving gasket material.
The things brand new. Fuel is getting into the carb. it is not plugged. I checked the wires and the plug and it sparked when i turned the tire. the compression is there. So what could it be. what sends the gas and air into the cylinder? the compression? help!
The things brand new. Fuel is getting into the carb. it is not plugged. I checked the wires and the plug and it sparked when i turned the tire. the compression is there. So what could it be. what sends the gas and air into the cylinder? the compression? help!

ive had the same problem, if your getting a spark, adjust the clutch, tighten!

what i did was,
1st: i took of the cluch plate.
2nd: i removed the set screw
3rd: turned the flowernut 1 notch clockwise.
4th: put it all back together.

and wala it started, it took my 2 weeks to figure that out(maybe i shouldnt have said that)

more info thanks to mr norman
I had a leaky carb, solved it by taking it apart and cleaning it thoroughly. I hadn't put the filter screen in the gas line by the tank outlet. You might check the screen, too. Good luck, you will get there.
The carb did seem a little leaky around the base. but i think thats because i primed it a little too much. The clutch is not slipping and this thing is out of the box should i still start messing around with that kind of stuff? I guess its worth a try. could the timing on the spark be off?
The spark will either be "close enough" or 180 degrees off. If the spark occurs while the piston is near the top of the stroke, you are O.K. there.

In the right amounts at the right time.