Stealing electricity?

60 mi. a day is heavy usage. I would venture a guess you are in the 10% or less range of hard core users. I don't know many MBers who could last 60 miles on a motored bicycle, lol.
60 mi. a day is heavy usage. I would venture a guess you are in the 10% or less range of hard core users. I don't know many MBers who could last 60 miles on a motored bicycle, lol.

At least I'm hardcore..something! :D

I'm the type of person who goes for a ride and just enjoys the day and keeps going not realizing how far I went. When I was going to the casinos I kept my mind on trying to win a jackpot which kept my mind off my ***. This year it's probably going to be the gold I can get out of the river that I'd preoccupied with, since gold is around $1500 an ounce. I may make a super duper fancy bike seat with a shock absorbing back rest. I might just invent special air bags for bike seats. lol.
Electric bicycles are real big in China and that is why we can buy all that cool stuff !

I am not so sure that going green is the reason the China kids are doing it !

Electric must be cheaper for them.

Anyway I am not trying to be smug.

I like electronics and motors and such.

Fixed TV's for a living for 20 years.

Not trying to figure out how to save the planet, I am having fun playing with motors.

Bought a couple of EVG ebikes today. Dead batteries but other than that OK ! :)

It seems even China is cracking down on e-bikes==>

Crackdown on electric bikes - GlobalTimes
Yep, you folks have hit upon why I went with gas. No place to plug it in at work. And no place to plug it in outside of work and chain it at the same time. Unless I brought an extension cord.

Although I do have to wonder what became of the bold soul who chained his electric scooter to the rack outside the City-County Building, and ran a fifty foot extension cord to a nearby outdoor outlet that the workers use for their gardening equipment. Ran that bright orange cord right across the walk and through the bushes up to the wall, he did. I've seen civilians come in and charge their cell phones in the halls of the City-County Building, but that takes the cake.