Starving for Gas

The carb doesn't pull fuel. It simply drains into the float chamber.

Try checking the cap for proper venting, and always try a NEW spark plug regardless of how well you may have cleaned it.
The Fuel Should Drain Out Of The Gas Line In A Nice Full Stream By Gravity. If Taking Tank Cap Off Does`t Help, Then Valve Is Blocked Or Bad. Check With Line Filter Off The Fuel Line And Then On. Good Luck. MAKE SURE TANK VALVE IS NOT CLOSED BY MISTAKE
Huffy and Train, Check out your carb float bowl needle, make sure that when
the float drops down in the bowl (low gas in bowl) the float needle is not
sticking or that there is some crud blocking the hole. Also make sure that the
float is installed correctly so that it "floats" in the gas.
i just pulled the line directly from the tank and it is not draining as i would think so i am thinking a petcock issue now. i am going to pull the tank off remove the petcock and check for flow i will post results in a little while
My stock petcock barely dribbles any gas out at all, but runs flawlessly infact it`s running rich....So you don`t have to have a large fuel delivery for these to run right.... 80cc motor, pipe, CNS carb....
Stuart, I Think You Are Correct, They Are Gas Sippirs. Gas Should Flow Freely Though, Otherwise Its A Potential Problem For Later. Imho. Ron
i just pulled the tank and petcock and it was full of garbage metal flakes and the rubber from the disk in the petcock. it would not flow until i took it apart.. i cleaned it all out and reassembled it. going to reinstall it and hope its fixed if not i will pick up a brass fitting and an inline shutoff i will post some pics in a little while still working on the bike
it turns out after breaking the petcock all the way apart that there was debris in the valve. I cleaned it all out but felt a new petcock would give me a better piece of mind so i went to the lawn mower shop and got a new petcock i am installing it now i will update when i get results
Teflon Tape Is Some Great Stuff, Like For The Valve To Tank Threads. Do Not Have Extra Tape Hanging Over End Of Fitting, That Could Get In Fuel. The Tape If For Pipe Thread Mostly. If You Have A Leak, Do Not Over Tighten It, Get Some Tape. Just Trying To Be Helpful.. Ron
doh! still not fixed now this is getting stupid. I have free flowing fuel from the tank to the carb and i still have the same issue. if i force fuel into the carb it will rev. oh the heck with it i am going to install the stock carb and see if it fixes this.
WOW, your not getting enough fuel, and I`m getting too much fuel with a CNS carb. leaned out as much as it can be leaned out without soldering up the jet.....Dammit man....

And my petcock just dribbles fuel out of it,real slow....
at least thru all of this i know i have a clean tank and a good petcock installed one less thing to worry about. Tomorrow when it gets light out i am going to swap carbs and put the factory carb on. if it fixes the problem i will post results.
after chatting with JIm of creative engineering we have located a choke problem. here is the pic


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well come to find out the is just the bottom of the throttle so its not in the way but still can't see how the choke functions on this thing
i installed the stock carb on it tonight with the help of everyone in the chat thanks guys.

The problem is in the CNS carb somewhere. the stock carb lets the motor rev and run WOT no problem.

Back to the drawing board on the CNS i will take some pics of the bowl and the vents and get some opinions on what to try next.

At least i am up and running. Hooray for me!
Thats A Big Relief, Your Bike Is Running Proper And You Have The Problem Pinpointed. Ride Tomorrow, Rain Is Coming.