Thanks, I had no idea.There are small loops on the pipe and engine which allows small tight springs to hold it together yet allow some movement.
Very common on larger dirtbikes.
(too lazy to find a pic. Lol!)
Got the SBP exhaust installed and it did make a difference. Much like I have read. It would get 30 on a straight away before now will get 35+. It probably has 2-3 mph left in it but 35 was a little uncomfortable at the time so I slowed down. The long hill where 24mph in 6/7 speed before will now get 30+ 7/7. Really add a snap to changing gears. Can see how this is probably the cheapest upgrade a person can get for power. Very pleased with the SBP upgrade. The exhaust system stayed in place I suppose as it is designed to. Had to add another 45 angle and split one of the pieces of silicone tubing down the middle. Mounted high on left side. Have got to cut metal tab off the chamber. It hits the inside of my leg slightly and gets a tad warm. Started to get some 1" flex pipe for mount but glad I stuck with the as designed mount with slight variation.Shoot, I just installed a SBP X-chamber on a build yesterday but didn't get a pic before it was picked up.
There are hose clamps as well as springs in the package, put the hose clamps on the smaller pipe size of the pipe connections as the heater hose holds the big sides pretty well, and the pair of springs to keep the pipe in the manifold, and of course use something to attach the back of the pipe to to the frame just before the muffler.
I don't like that multi-hole strap they include, I just use a really big hose clamp.
Bummer I didn't a pic of that but ohh well.
I used two 45's for my similar install and cut the mount tab off and re-welded it to the other side to mount the pipe to the frame top bar.Used one extra 45. Sounds good nice power increase.