Sould have listened to Mother


Custom MB Buiilder
Hi Fellow bikers. This has very little to do with our passion, motorbicyles. But
you may like to know, as this may save you the grief I went throught today.
7:30 this morning woke up made some coffee, let the pooch out, normal day.
Turned on the computer I use for the internet. Sippin' on some coffee I came across Microsofts New "live,myspace/email" program. Oh goody I said with glee. As some of you know I repair computers for a living. Not a great job but at least I don't get dirty.rotfl Knowing it's aforehand it's most likely the same wonderful product "uncle Billy" always puts down our thoats I figured I better try it. If it don't work I can always uninstall it. I had it setup in under an hour.
I tryed to email, nothing happened, computer froze. No biggie must have missed something on install. Nope. Ok I will just uninstall it. It don't uninstall!
I have spent the last 20 some hours making this garbage program work. But alas I have only myself to blame. It only affects machines running XP or XP Pro, as far as I can tell. So dear fellow riders, next time some one hands you a bag full of hot fresh hamburgers, Check for broken glass. Mother always told me, Son if it's not broken don't try to fix it. Later, Tramp(c)
Don't you know by now the rule is, "If you keep trying to improve it, you will eventually break it so that no one can fix it. I should know I have tools and toys everywhere. I keep having this, "If I do one more thing, it would be perfect." bs notion.
I got tired of Microsoft a long time ago.
I found Knoppix.
A live CD that you download for free.
Burn to an ISO image using a cd burner.
And reboot with the Knoppix disk in the CD drive NO INSTALL NEEDED.
It is called a LIVE CD.
Each Knoppix disk contains the Gnu/ Linux distro called Debian and contains approximately 3 Gigabytes of software.
$3,000.00 to $5,000.00 of similarly priced to Microsoft based software in each super compressed 700 mb disk.
Knoppix is opensource and is freely available from one of my favorite links, Put the fun back into computing. Use Linux, BSD. Put the fun back into computing. Use Linux, BSD.

Firefox and, Open office are just two examples of good usable Open Source software that is available for free.
Hey, shhhh, dont tell everybody about that...rotfl If not for "uncle Billy" and his band of morons I wouldnt have a job. I would get no calls saying "my computer don't work now, I didn't do anything to it. :-{ It's not YOU guys It's Microsoft. It don't work) never has, never will. 99.9 % of what I do is because it don't work! I make money how ever so little fixing ego,s. Reinstall
the software and your going again. There music, pictures, and everything else
that means something to them is NOT backed up so they loose it. Thanks uncle Billy! as long as you make software I have a job. Later Tramp(c)
did you say you had some pooch and let the coffee out

did you say you had some pooch and let the coffee out?
