Someone please educate me on forum etiquette

In my experience, unless a poster is obviously hostile and offensive, Moderators will send a warning.

IMO, we should all conduct ourselves as guests in someone else's home and bide by any rules they have.

It never is beneficial to argue with a Moderator.


Gotta know when to fold 'em.

Gotta know when to walk away....

Gotta know when to run!!

Kenny Rogers
In my experience, unless a poster is obviously hostile and offensive, Moderators will send a warning.

IMO, we should all conduct ourselves as guests in someone else's home and bide by any rules they have.

It never is beneficial to argue with a Moderator.


Arguing with a moderator is like arguing with your doctor.

And like with a doctor; if you don't like the moderator's rules, then you can always seek another forum.