SoCal Race Event Sat June 18th at Willow Springs Raceway-2011

so if im lucky i can use a flight that we forgot we had....everytime ive flown with my pedal bike its been a major pia.... im probably gonna fly from denver to burbank...ride across town (bringing my jets)catch the metrolink into the av then out to the track......any good ideas for transporting my bike on the plane? No disassemble johnnie 5? lol or is tearing it down and splitting it up the answer?....really dont want to ship it to cali and grab it when i get their.....checking flight availability can be expensive all of a sudden sometimes..funds arent available to drive round trip and work availability is uncertain.....but i havent given up on this race yet.....just looking for experience's good and bad from flying with your MaB....
If the tank is a problem you could contact one of the etailers who are going to be there and have them bring one probably not too expensive and if ya can't take it back Iknow someone will buy it from you heck I need a new tank I am using a 2 liter spare as my 4 liter is leaking
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i had thought about that....its a possibility but not in the budget really....this trip is gonna be like the broke### 500 for me lol
I soldered my 4 liter dont have access to a braizing rig but you are welcome to borrow it .I fixed it this way a year ago and it just started leaking should last for the race and if you crash and burn I won't be out much anyway need a new gas cap for it though
Curtis T of C&K Bikes . IF # 42-43 are not Taken like to have . I will arrive on fryday .......6-17-11...will bring 5--7 racer .for china class.66cc...can pay at gate ...Thank you ..started this hobby 2-3 years a go looking forward for some good clean racing and fun rideing.
Curtis T of C&K Bikes . IF # 42-43 are not Taken like to have . I will arrive on fryday .......6-17-11...will bring 5--7 racer .for china class.66cc...can pay at gate ...Thank you ..started this hobby 2-3 years a go looking forward for some good clean racing and fun rideing.
Hi Curtis
Please send me an email at [email protected]
to pre register and answer the 7 questions.

You can then pay $29 at the track on Friday.

Going to be a lot of fun.
nm...miles expired....probably not gonna make it...go ahead and open my number back up bimoped...
Your number can stay, hope you can still make it.
Metro link will not let you take gas on the train.

I have a few gas tanks complete with cap that you could use.
I got all kind of 2 stroke parts,
Did a paint job on my tank today It's "special"

Jackson pollock eat your heart out LOL


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I did a rough tally on the 4 classes that have signed up so far.

12 4 Strokes
39 2 Strokes
6 Unlimited
4 eBikes

I am thinking about eliminating the eBike class and
putting them in with the Unlimited Gas class.

This will free up about an hour so there can be more
time for those that aren't into serious racing to cruise
around the track.
It is going to mess up the scheduled order though as the
Unlimited Gas was going to run last before the final
Ultimate Race of all the classes.

Everyone that is arriving on Friday can pay Willow Springs
$25 and sign another liability waiver to ride on the Go Kart
Track until 5 pm.
This has nothing to do with me or our event.
Would be a good chance to get some practice in and to
learn the track.

There may be a few go karts running too as part of their
kart school but you can ride when they aren't on the track.

It was like that when we were there last Thursday and Baird
got to run a few laps.

I will find out next week how busy it will be but as there is
no kart race on the weekend there should not be much activity.

Sunday 19th is just general rental of the Go Kart Track too.

Anyone have a radar gun we can use on the big track to
check speeds?
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That's cool. What kind of bike do you have?
Are you bringing anyone?
You need to pre register. There are posts in this thread explaining how.

i just registered lol just tyring to figure out how im going to get my payment out as i dont use cards.

probably going to bring a buddy or 2 for pit crew/spectating

its not the fastest bike, i just wanna zip around with some fellow motor bicyclers as I have never rode with other motorbicycles yet so im pretty stoked!

Cool brokenpedals,

I have a friend tallking 'bout coming with me as well. He's hustling to finish his 30mph build, but if he doesn't get together, might just run his 24mph bike.

Used my bike for transportation when motoredbike (MB) racing came on the scene. Then I thought 22mph seemed brisk, no way I was going 40mph on a bike. So I put together a 30mph 'ToyRacer' with good brakes and handling. Now 30+ seems tame, sorta. The experimenting and racing bug has bit!

Getting on the track, with others running slower or faster, some much faster, on an easygoing bike is fun. And the hesitation/intimidation of not having a balls out racer soon fades away.

This event also pushes R & D for the sport. What makes more sense than to take the most efficient trasportation on the planet, pedal bikes, and find ways to add effiecient power assist motors on 'em. No reason our sport shouldn't be vying with kart racing in 5 years. If everyone in the sport matures together and it doesn't fragment.

These events, are the backbone of our young and fragile MB sport, and benefit from having everyone there; the "Easy Rider" crowd such as you and my friend, along with our young aggressive passionate racers.

At the Tucson Death Race, lots of 20mph bikes made up half the MBs out on the track. A few bikes pulled power wheelies and 50+ mph on the straights, though none of those made it to the finish line. I'm sure there were growing pains over there in the early years. Last April the piston bike guys kept watch over my e-bike while I returned to the hotel room to build my 2nd lipo pack. I bought a T-shirt and other stuff from 'em. They didn't have a required fire extinguisher so our pits shared mine.

In spite of haughty posturing and ego talk, everyone blended in exceptionally well at Tucson. 6(7) days to go, I can't wait to see those guys and everyone else again!
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Cool brokenpedals,

I have a friend tallking 'bout coming with me as well. He's hustling to finish his 30mph build, but if he doesn't get together, might just run his 24mph bike.

Used my bike for transportation when motoredbike (MB) racing came on the scene. Then I thought 22mph seemed brisk, no way I was going 40mph on a bike. So I put together a 30mph 'ToyRacer' with good brakes and handling. Now 30+ seems tame, sorta. The experimenting and racing bug has bit!

Getting on the track, with others running slower or faster, some much faster, on an easygoing bike is fun. And the hesitation/intimidation of not having a balls out racer soon fades away.

This event also pushes R & D for the sport. What makes more sense than to take the most efficient trasportation on the planet, pedal bikes, and find ways to add effiecient power assist motors on 'em. No reason our sport shouldn't be vying with kart racing in 5 years. If everyone in the sport matures together and it doesn't fragment.

These events, are the backbone of our young and fragile MB sport, and benefit from having everyone there; the "Easy Rider" crowd such as you and my friend, along with our young aggressive passionate racers.

At the Tucson Death Race, lots of 20mph bikes made up half the MBs out on the track. A few bikes pulled power wheelies and 50+ mph on the straights, though none made it to the finish line. I'm sure there were growing pains over there in the early years. Last April the piston bike guys kept watch over my e-bike while I returned to the hotel room to build my 2nd lipo pack. I bought a T-shirt and other stuff from 'em. They didn't have a required fire extinguisher so our pits shared mine.

In spite of haughty posturing and ego talk, everyone blended in exceptionally well at Tucson. 7 days to go, I can't wait to see those guys and everyone else again!

Thanks man! im super stoked to see this event go down! yeah, my setup when running close to 30mph gets way to much vibration as im running an older motor so ill most likely be hanging around the 25mph range, but ill be sure not to get in anyones way! lol. i hope to learn a few tips and tricks dealing with these motors as well from the pro's out there pushing the limits on this sport! since this is my first motor, i have yet to blow it, once i do, then yeah, the high performance racing side will deff come into play! .bf.
Last April the piston bike guys kept watch over my e-bike while I returned to the hotel room to build my 2nd lipo pack. I bought a T-shirt and other stuff from 'em. They didn't have a required fire extinguisher so our pits shared mine.

In spite of haughty posturing and ego talk, everyone blended in exceptionally well at Tucson. 7 days to go and I can't wait!
Hi SoSauty
Thanks again for all your help.
Rob and Greg at have really done more than their share to
make sure that this event really happens.
It's only 6 days to go and this 6th day is more than half gone already. LOL

Thanks for reminding me that people need to bring a fire extinguisher.

Also the Go Kart Track has some rubber debris from the kart slicks on it
so a few brooms to clean it up on Friday would be good too.
Got to remember to bring my broom and scoop.

Still looking for a few radar guns to add to the fun and bragging rights.
well I made it to Ontario and I just about have the bike together. Now I still need a ride to willow
i will also post in the car pool thread