Soap opera anyone.


minor bike philosopher
Now I know some of you guys like to write. I have a project in mind it's ambitious and probably illegal somehow (kidding) but I would like to find a couple of more people and write a soap opera.

You wouldn't have to write everyday just when you were bored. The plan (plan a) is to set it in a small town anywhere usa. Everybody writes his one character and his own continuing story. Just like the dramas our wives watch on tv. You have to write first person as though it is happen real time. Like you are telling a friend over a beer about something that is going on.

If I find a couple of interested people I will set up a blog and give you all the password so you can post. Anyone can join the writer staff lol...

So let me know if you are interested. Just something else to do on a rainy day. the more the merrier. I think I know a chick who might be interested in joining us. If anyone is interested, I will see if I can round up some colorful characters.
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That sound's really cool deacon (^) But not for me, as you can tell I'm not good at putting my thought's into word's.
It up to you guy, but it doesn't have to be polished. I sure as heck ain't. Somewhere deep inside us we all have an alter ego or two floating around. Here is your chance to air yours out. It's all make believe.

In real life some guys talk purdy and some guys talk like me, but most of them are worth listening to once in a while..
I would love to write, but I am pressed for time at this point...I spend all my spare time on here.
Okay alternate idea. We create a town that is all virtual. When you have a minute you post a short bit about your character. No requirements that it be any more than just a few words when you have nothing better to do. That way everyone can toss in a fictional story now and then.

How does that sound. If it take you six months to get around to it no problem.

This is alternate literature there are no rules. Everyone gets to play.