Slugers OCC Build


New Member
Hello Everyone,

This is the night before the Fed Ex guy brings me the Gurbee motor.Im so stoked to get this thing on the road and worried about every little detail I must follow that I have learned from you guys to make this first build a success.Thanks to everyone for their information.I will keep yall updated on everything.


I attached a pic of the machine for ya
Nice looking bike slurge. I got my chopper on the road last week, so much fun.
Hope u hav as much fun with urs and i did puttin mine together
Hey Evry1,

Just stopping in to give an update on everything.Got the motor Saturday evening and went straight to the garage with and unpacked it.First thing I noticed is that Barry's mount is a must,thought i would give it a shot without it but no way. He has great product and didnt mind paying the money for it.**** I even bought his exaust pipe just to piss the neighbors off.
But sofar build has gone smooth with just a little Dremel work on the hub to get the sprocket on.But other than that no problems yet,mainly waiting on parts to to finish and get it tuned out.

Im not a man of many words but I take alot of pics.Please check them out.

Thanks Sluger
Hey Evry1,

Builds Complete! Everything went as planned no real problems that a Bud Light and no wife in the garage couldnt figure out . Please look at the pics in my photobucket.

The link is in my second post

Thanks Again,

hello everyone,

Thanks for the comps on the bike.The airfilter is just the foam breather from carb, I had to tear the housing off of it to fit.Nothing but a piece of foam and a chicken band.updated a pic for u

Only problem i am having seems to be with the throttle.I dont know if the cable is too long and not letting it open up all the way ,mbut it seems like there is more power there I just cant find it.Im hopping when i change mixture on gas it will help the problem. Can u shorten a throttle cable?

any advice on throttle will be greatly appriciated.

Also picked up second chopper bike on Craigs List yesterday for 65 come on!
Excact same as the first build just dont know what I want to do with it .

Be Good

Pics r in my second Reply.
I was looking online on ebay and found one for $175. I assume all versions of this bike are 20"? Will my 5'9 body fit on this bike? Extremely jealous and would love to have one of my own.....