Slow to return to idle.


New Member
Hi, My engine runs fine, starts great. The problem is it is slow to return to idle rpms when I release the throttle. I have no "discernable" air leaks. The manifold is sealed to the engine with black rtv and the carb end is sealed to the manifold. This is a new problem. I changed the carburetor and the new one does the same. I sprayed wd-40 around the gaskets nothing changed as far as rpms. I used water as well. I suppose it has to be a leak of some sort but I can't find it. Any ideas?

This is just an idea theory,, it could be the spring in the carb where the throttle cable goes in it might have lost some of its tension and not pushing the barrel sleeve back down as quick as before. I could be wrong but thats where I would check first, anyone have other ideas?
Thanks guys for the inputs. It got me looking in the right place. I removed the breather and watched the slide. It was slow so that told me it probably wasn't an air leak. I lubed the cable and throttle and it is working again. Thanks
My bike does the same thing but it is not related to the cable. (My throttle is an old thumb shifter, so I can see the movement of the cable). I find that it is worse if I maintain a higher power setting 'til I apply the brakes to stop. If I reduce my power setting gradually as I approach a stop, it will return to idle more quickly. That leads me to believe it is possibly my float setting. Good luck.