slow down


New Member
on the subject of safety, slowing down on unfamiliar territory is the topic!
last weekend another rider and myself were riding on the bike trail from pana ,IL to taylorville, IL. It was pretty nice day out , the sun was shining the birds were singing just a good day to ride. the bike trail is set on a old rail way line , the tracks of course have been removed and a nice asphalt pavement put down. on a couple of places of the trail is where driveways or country roads would pass through the trail and such places all were marked! some places on the way to t-ville the trail would jog to the left , so you had to slow down at every jog. On the way back however was a diff. story! the trail still was jogging to our left , about halfway back the trail opened up to a large field! (can you see it yet) As I entered the field I had gone through a small ditch - no problem , went right through . I had been running along about 25-30 mph , as I was going to get back on the path, the path was raised about 2-3" above grade( first you say it , then you do it) "oh s**t" I said to myself. (are you seeing it yet) my front tire made it on the path but my rear tire decided to just hang out still in the grass causing my bike to slide sideways to my right , then in a instant the rear tire grabbed , went air born and then went to my left! (do you see it now) at that point ,when the tire come back to the ground , it threw me off. I know I hit the ground ( in the grass luckily) on my left shoulder and had rolled some distant from the bike , I would say approx 10' it rung my bell a little bit , I was wearing my helmet and gloves and safety glasses . I had a little road rash on my leg from the tank ( I think) when it threw me off. other than that I was O.k , it could have been a lot worse!!!! as for my bike the rear rim looked taco shaped and had some damage to the tank and handle bar area ( speedo , front brake , throttle) we were able to straighten the rim enough to get back to the truck (had to disconnect my rear brake) so in conclusion and apologize for such a long thread , Dont over ride your surroundings ! know where you ride if its on your way to or from work, that your path is clear. and you know what to expect. if your riding just to be riding in unknown territory , SLOWDOWN and be cautious for you never know what lies ahead! just be safe!!! I could have slowed down made the jog and kept going but I took a shortcut and it bit me! I wont have any pics of my bike as I have already repaired the damages on sunday. so just be careful out there and be safe!!!
Wow - glad you are OK! I hear you - I've done a lot of crazy speeding already - and you know I'm just gonna go a bit slower, now that I know I can go fast if I want. (You know what I mean?) :D

Does sound like a cool place to ride.
Damn!!!!!Like Pablo said Glad your OK.. this is one reason i dont let my kids ride mine just yet.. or i should say 1 of them....
Kids shouldn't be riding these anyway. In many states you have to have a driver's license to operate one of these - at least here anyway....
true.... what i mean is that not my bike.. i built the kids a bike that gos at the fastest 10mph but i still wont let them ride it just yet....

and for sure even some adults shouldnt be riding these...
And I'll second the "slow down" recommendation. I was on my first ride and was trying to stay ahead of a car. Going to quick and not paying attention to the road, didn't see the stop sign. Luckily I caught it at the last minute, hit the brakes and just turned right instead of going straight. Still blew the sign, but if I hadn't have caught it I would've went straight and slammed into a car. Whoops.

Slow down, pay attention.
Ahhhh, it was a beautiful day, a day much like today. Knew the trail that cut through the trees and for the most part a smooth level path the kids walked to and from school. Rode it time and time again. About 7:PM the kids were
home and if I had of been riding with my head on my shoulders insted of that "other Place" I would have seen the shopping cart someone had left just around the corner.The grass on each side of the trail was hiding it from my view. I hit it head on and flew like a birdrotfl Bent the forks, wheel, bars, frame, and Me. Landed on my back. The bike was trash, I was in slow mode for about two weeks. Moral of the story? Just because you have ridden some place countless times, Don't take for granted it's going to be the same as last time you rode there. Later Tramp(c)
ooooohh thats gonna leave a mark! hope your O.K. even though we CAN go fast on our motor bikes , we have that choice to slow down!!!! I know what your talking about tramp! first , I'am glad your O.K and second , that your motor kit is O.K