Skyhawk rear disc mount now available!

...every consumer has to make a choice whether to buy quality or settle for cheap with every purchase they make.

...i personally ignore what most people do and instead choose to march to the beat of my own drummer, as it were.

...i'm a disabled veteran nearing 60 and living on a VERY tight budget but i'll do without before settling for cheap, ...i've had much experience with cheap and it ALWAYS ends up costing MORE than quality in the long run so i'd rather wait for quality than settle for cheap.

peace, bozo

btw, let's keep in mind too that in this instance we're talking about a brake that might could save your life some day so settling for cheap might have fatal consequences. ...not likely i know but still possible.
There is no chinese brake adaptor. There is the steel $20 one from venicemotorbikes and a $30 aluminum cnc'ed one from choppersus. How do you compete with American products that work on multiple bikes with a product that only fits one bicycle frame? And its double the price?

I'm not even gonna start on about your $400 brakes. That's just ridiculous.
The market will tell if the price is too high. I think the op is a little strident about his prices but then again, I'm not the one paying to have the parts built.
Looks like a good niche product so let's give the guy a break.
If it is too expensive, don't buy it.
Harrasing the manufacturer will not drop prices, only slow or no sales will do that.
Remember guys, this is not a forum for economic or political discussion.
Apologies for hiring American labor. This part was not designed as a money making venture to hang our company logo on. It is a brake part for a specific favorite frame, therefore it works. Ok thanks works much better than any "universal" mount we tried. (Don't you think we tried existing universals mounts before designing and manufacturing an entirely new part?
Anyway, if Skyhawk frames suddenly become the schwinn of motorbikes, then hey, maybe we'll make a thousand and save some money. Until then, the parts run in batches of 5. It blows my mind that china can do it so cheap. The aluminum for 1 Of these is $25. Then add say, 1 hour of CNC time .. There's $85 for 1 and that doesn't cover packaging, offsetting R&D, or our time on it.
Don't buy one if you think it's too expensive. Make one. This is motorized bike building afterall, right?
And that Skywawk frame WAS made in china. Guess you can buy chinese made products from american companies and its ok,right?
Well, Chopperus are out of stock on their adaptor, so that eliminates that part of the equation (for now at least).
At any rate, it's a shame the disparity between what things cost to make here vs over there. Stuff made in China can be TOO cheap due to exploitive labor, cheap materials and lack of concern for their environment. On the other hand, stuff made here tends to be too costly due to regulation and the cost of living and skilled labor, I mean a working man needs to be able to afford health insurance for his family and I think most of us know what that costs here in the USA. It's highway robbery if you ask me, but that's the way the game is played right now. Somehow the guys at the top of the corporate ladder have a way of collecting all the money and leaving us to worry about how to earn it and it's a shame....
Health insurance cost is sinking many American families and businesses, I just don't get why people don't understand that creating universal health care is a pro family and pro business agenda. Then again, I think they are working with a totally different agenda that isn't looking out for small businesses or American families at all...
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What chinese product are you referring too? Venicemotorbikes has his adaptors made in America,I do believe. And I own a chopperus adaptor and if its made in china its the BEST chinese product I've ever seen.


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