Well-Known Member
I bought the ovglove brand of the variety that is also steam prevention too. The gloves for welding I had were thick leather and I later bought thinner deer skin ones that enabled better dexterity. They both though have limits and true even if the gloves are not smoking or on flames, it can cause a nasty burn before you have a chance to remove them. You get an idea and judge when you are trying to remove something to start positioning for a next weld if it is too soon. Always the duty cycle of my little 120vac 130 meant I should be waiting anyway. I would clean the gas nozzle with the fan still running and amps and feed for MIG at minimum. I would switch big gas generator to small one and save on gas and noise between cooling the MIG and work. Also move the feed wheel pressure to 0 by folding it out of the way. No wire could move. It was also a way to check the gas flow on the meter without worry of arcing and possible injury. Little gen supply would stall probably even at lowest amps.