
I bought the ovglove brand of the variety that is also steam prevention too. The gloves for welding I had were thick leather and I later bought thinner deer skin ones that enabled better dexterity. They both though have limits and true even if the gloves are not smoking or on flames, it can cause a nasty burn before you have a chance to remove them. You get an idea and judge when you are trying to remove something to start positioning for a next weld if it is too soon. Always the duty cycle of my little 120vac 130 meant I should be waiting anyway. I would clean the gas nozzle with the fan still running and amps and feed for MIG at minimum. I would switch big gas generator to small one and save on gas and noise between cooling the MIG and work. Also move the feed wheel pressure to 0 by folding it out of the way. No wire could move. It was also a way to check the gas flow on the meter without worry of arcing and possible injury. Little gen supply would stall probably even at lowest amps.
I have the majority of the sidecar frame welded up. The upright tab will be drilled to attach to the rear wheel hub bolt and then a brace will be added. I'm not sure just how else the frame will be attached to the bike just yet.



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Added a brace to the back wheel mount and added mounting tabs for the sidecar body. Cut one corner off and angled it so it doesn't hurt her foot or leg while she's riding.

Tomorrow I'll have to bend some tubing to make a bike to sidecar frame mount.



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Devil is in me.
Steve, this contraption will weigh more than the bicycle. Even if you could skeletonize the side hack frame.
The little lady pedaling this rig, may next be prepared to win the Tour de France. Maybe, that's not a bad thing.
Hi, Dan,

I was looking at a new 24V mid motor that I purchased years ago just before I came in. The bike has a small sprocket on it but I think there would be enough clearance if I put the large ones on the bike. Tomorrow I'll see if I can get everything to fit.

May have to get a programmable controller so the speed can be set to something she can handle. I think the motor is 350w but I'm not sure.

Hope everything is well at home.

Frame for the sidecar is ready and now it needs the welded areas sandblasted and a small amount of body fill applied to smooth a couple of areas out. The strut from the side car to the bike is ready as well.

I ordered some chrome 3 piece clamps used to attach exhaust and foot pegs to motorcycles. They are available from 7/8" and up. I'll use one of them to attach the sidecar brace to the bike. I've include the link to where I purchased them.

Thank you, Tom,

Welding table was a Christmas gift a few years ago. It folds up as well which makes it even more handy. I hadn't thought about a putty knife to get rid of the BB's. I do have one that would be ideal.

I'll see my nephew this week and I'm going to suggest that perhaps a mini bike that is electric powered with the sidecar would be better if the bike doesn't work out. Her school is directly across the street from the house and that is where she rides the bike so the quiet mini bike should work well unless it can't be ridden on school grounds.

My dough work surface scraper I got probably could work, but it is a bit thicker metal with wood handle. If the idea is more psi at the weld spatter stuck on the table there is the very springy super thin spatula I have. Though kitchen stuff maybe should stay where it is, or be dedicated to be replaced. Something like the turkey baster when used with automotive fluids?
I use a hacksaw blade for big hacksaw, about 1 1/2” wide, any kind of handle, tape works. First was use at work for glue scrapers on rollers, used to seal cartons of paper, then dipped in glue for hanle, and let dry. Really stout. Also makes a good gasket scraper.......... Curt
The frame for the sidecar is in primer and ready for paint. The support arm is just about done and will run from the bike frame to the side car. Still some filing and sanding from where I had to weld two pieces of tubing together.

Her dad is OK with an electric mini bike if this doesn't work out and I'm thinking I'll build one anyway just to do it later in the spring.



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