shift kit


New Member
I'd like to put a shift kit on the motor, do you think it's possible to have a 2nd derailleur with a small shifter, with like 2 or 3 gears? or will it be too small/cheap to handle the motor power and will not tension the chain enough?
Why do you want to use a second derailleur? What is wrong with the regular one? I don't think they make a left side derailleur but I could be wrong.
You could run a right side derailleur upside-down, but I don't think it'd work with the big chain for the motor.

Then your rear freewheel would be the wrong way.

Not to mention the motor chain won't work on bike sprockets. So you'd need to change the drive sprocket to a suitable size for a bike chain.

By then, you might as well just get the SBP shifter kit and call it a day I think...
oh, i tought it was the same chain size.... well in this case i guess theres nothing to do except that it would be pretty expensive...

and i wanted to do it because i dont want to remove pedals... for cold days, its more useful to keep pedaling instead of engaging the motor... especially here in Quebec ^^
Have you thought about adding a "jack shaft" and adding your dive line to the main drive side? With the help of a canter-lever, you could actually bring the drive into play on the same side and still use your complete gear array.
I have chosen an engine with a pull start to make this transition simpler, and completely removed the peddles all together. Haven't thought about using the forward gears until just now, ooppss there goes the light bulb, just popped from being over loaded.
This aught to be real fun adding the three forward sprockets to jack shaft drive unit. 8-)
