Seat tube length

Big Joe

New Member
Could someone tell me the correct way to measure the seat tube length. I have read many different interpretations on the way to measure.
with a bicycle you want it so at full length your leg as a slight bend in it at the bottom of the stroke. reason for this is consistent power. on a motorized bicycle put it where it is the most comfortable since you don't need to pedal. seat height is for the most effective pedaling and that's it
Thanks Cruiser. Being 6'2", 320 lbs, and 67 yrs old, I want something that I can reach the ground without falling. I prefer a seat that is low as I plan to put an engine on it. I am thinking toward the Schwinn Beach Point from Walmart @ $ 140.oo.
nice bike. do like i did and sit and ride it in store lol. just enough to see if handle bars and stuff sit the way you want them to.
A little off topic but I found something that some of your guy's might be intrested in.
It's a seat post with suspension. I dont know how well they work, and for the price that I found this one at, I think I'll try to build one.
This one is from performance bike.


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Could someone tell me the correct way to measure the seat tube length. I have read many different interpretations on the way to measure.

Seat tube length is usually measured from the the center of the bottom bracket shell to the center of the the top tube where it joins the seat tube. There are manufactures that measure to the top of the top tube where it joins the seat tube and also manufactures that measure to the top of the seat tube itself. For cruiser type bikes this measurement can be decieving due to the curved top tube. But most 26 in wheel cruisers are whats called 18 in. or 18 1/2 in. frames. This is the standard size that Schwinn introduced back in the 30's-40's. Schwinn and other manufactures make larger cruiser frames that are usually called 20 in frames as well for taller adult riders.

I have one of these pogo seat posts on one of my beach cruisers and it is awsome. I've wanted to use it on one of my motobikes but as of yet I don't have a bike to fit the post...Kelly

I'm short and need my seat tube to go all they way down, will I be able to that?
you will be able to drop it to the spring or air cylinder which is about 1 to 2 inches down from the seat
i am all for anything that helps to take out the vibration and rough ride of my motorized bicycle. seat post and springer front end made mine very smooth