Scored a West Coast copper today

I used 3/16th's flat stock to make the mount and I cannot move the engine sideways at all.
I have every confidence in this setup as is, but I can always add a gusset if needed.
I test all mounted engines by trying HARD to pull it out of line and this engine is not going anywhere. When combined with the HD front clamp mount, the engine is very solid.
I'm doing a chopper build right now, and have to do some creative mount fab. Saw your front one above. Consider yourself an inspiration. Cheers.
Finished it up today. Getting the chainline right on this build was a MAJOR P.I.T.A!
Had to completely cut and reshape the brake arm to clear the sprocket since it needed two rag joint rubbers to space the chain out far enough to clear the fat tire. Since I had to get the welder out again, I went ahead and built a rear exit pipe to give it a better look and sound. Needs a smaller sprocket too as it tops out about 15 mph, but I'm tired of this thing and just want it gone. Not going to bother with V-brakes either since it's so slow as is.
Did I mention this build was seriously annoying? It was. I had the back wheel off and on FAR too many times before I finally got it right.

I gotta say, now that I have ridden the bike a bit, it's starting to grow on me.
The riding position is not too bad for tiddling around and it sure looks good doing 15mph.
I'm thinking of adding a 26" wheel front to lay it back a bit more.
But the fat stock front looks so good!
Decisions, decisions.
Snug fit in there. Good thinking with the inlet manifold. How's that go? Does it run well? Does the clutch cable try to eat the float bowl?
I used the small inner spring to protect the float bowl. No problem with wear and it runs fine with the carb tilted like this.
MUCH easier than fabbing a new manifold.