Schwinn Stingray Chopper Models 20" & Spoiler Models

no occs on us toysrus...

but there is this...looks pretty slick to me...

Wickedest1, The Toys R Us, Schwinn Stingray Is still available here's the Link:

jjanoski, thank you for adding the Red Schwinn Stingray Chopper Bicycle with Silver Tribal Decals...

I have 2 Schwinn Stingray Choppers with the Silver Tribal Decals, must have slipped my mind not to have posted them here in the Thread For All Models of Schwinn Stingray Chopper Bicycles...


P.S. As for the Paul Jr Designs Black Widow Chopper Bicycle sold at Toys R Us in the USA Stores only, I can see motorizing this bike to be fairly simple for the experienced builder.


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Videos by lenalik2000 on YouTube. Look for the never-before-seen racing stingray and 2 different 3 speed models(not the chrome or orange models) as well as a spoiler,a chrome/red Fatboy,a link model,and a new school manta ray. Couple more but those really stood out.
Here are some pictures of the Schwinn Stingray OCC XL.They are from looking to buy one,but still looking.The pictures show a different color,the size of the standard Schwinn to a XL and how long the frame is on a XL.


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Found another Unknown Schwinn Stingray Chopper Bicycle Model, here it is below! Click on thumbnail at bottom of this post to see larger picture.

Checkout this name Greg Blake, he's the Schwinn Designer of all the Adult Schwinn Choppers, The XL, The XXL, The Spoiler, The SS, and many more! Yes there was a Limited Edition Schwinn Stingray Model called the Fatboy, and yes there were only 50 of this model produced!

Yes he ( Greg Blake ) is co-patent holder with Frank Blankenship, Frank originally pitched his Chopper Bicycle Design to Schwinn / Pacific Cycles, and then it was Greg who refined the design, and created the Adult Schwinn Choppers!

Greg Blake began his career at the age of 15 working in a bike shop and has spent the over 20 years with the Mongoose brand. He has developed nine patents for Pacific Cycle as well as the award-winning Schwinn Stingray and Spoiler models, the 2005 outdoor toy of the year.

See many other rare Schwinn Stingray Chopper Bicycles & OCC Schwinn Stingray Motorized Chopper Bicycles Facebook page, that Greg Blake shared there, here's the Link:

Yes, I've done some research on the Schwinn Stingray Chopper Bicycle's! LOL...

P.S. Would you believe there was another Issue/ Model of an Schwinn XL Chopper, it's true with the Color being Grey with Black Flame Decals!!!

I recently purchased this pink non-OCC Stingray Chopper and haven't seen another until I joined this blog. Does anyone know any details on this Chopper. It is black with purple and pink flames.


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There was one in craigslist in Ventura ca. It had a skull on the down tube. And some other markings. I sent a message, but he never answered me. Then a few days later is was gone. Guess you could call the, skull. I have a stealth, a spoiler, a xl and a electric one.cvlt1
while google searching for parts i found this

it's a Micargi Prado, this may be old news to everybody else, but it looks like Micargi got a hold of some of schwinns leftovers.

I wonder how many of this bikes parts are interchangeable with those on an OCC. it's hard to tell in the picture but the seat post looks narrower than the schwinn, the head tube looks identical though maybe the triple tree on this bike swaps right onto the OCC?

Tyres are both 20"x3.0"

looks like Micargi has a few other bikes sold with the same seat on it, but only this one has the OCC-esque frame
What would be a decent price for a near mint Scwinn spoiler? Someone has one locally and he is asking 1300 for it. It looks like one **** of a bike but 1300 is pretty steep. I'm sure he's expecting a haggle but I would like to know what a fair price could possibly be.
It's all black with red wheels and has the disc brakes and such. He has it as a collection piece and stores it in his house.
Check ebay- I've seen finished motorized versions go from 450 (just barebones bike with an engine to 1300, but that had disc brakes, headlights turn signals, and a really nice engine and modified rear wheels/frame etc to adult size it.

Keep in mind for 1300 you could buy a brand new Hawk 250 enduro or other cheaper used motorcycles.
Check ebay- I've seen finished motorized versions go from 450 (just barebones bike with an engine to 1300, but that had disc brakes, headlights turn signals, and a really nice engine and modified rear wheels/frame etc to adult size it.

Keep in mind for 1300 you could buy a brand new Hawk 250 enduro or other cheaper used motorcycles.

Ahh ok, it caught my eye and I did a quick search through eBay and such and could not find any for sale to compare prices. I guess I'll definitely pass it up. The only ones I saw on eBay where $4000 new in box, yeah right. Lol
CH I got two chrome 1 red & one black. It has the 50cc 2 stroke on it. I would love it more if I could keep the chain on it. I can ride it 100 miles then poof it falls off. They made a 24 or 26" bike that looked like a Krate. Can't remember the name at the moment. I have been looking for an adult size OCC String Ray for years. I'll just have to settle for my 2003 S&S powered Amen framed Scoot. It don't have peddles. :)
Pedal chopper makes an extension that will stretch the frame, With a laid back seatpost, it effectively turns it into an adult size. Although the forks are more like a bobber since they're not as long.

with dropout extensions and a larger rear wheel you can gain alot of space. Also mini ape hangers help out alot
I have a schwinn stingray occ chopper bike 3 speed would anyone be interested in it needs a rear tube or patched


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