Schwinn occ bike any pitfalls and problems ?

OCC chopper builds come out really nice but they are a pain in the butt to install, we jack-shafted ours so the motor would be dead center in the frame, also made the motor mounts. The only downside I saw to this bike was it was too low. A couple days after completion the guy we built it for tried to do a U-turn on a regular road (2 lane) and his pedal clipped the ground and he crashed pretty bad. We the motor back over to his Mtn bike and havent looked back since.
The reason why his pedal hit the ground is his fault because everyone should know when you turn sharp corners, the inside pedal should be up, not down so you can lean further without it hitting the ground. I have a schwinn stingray with an engine, and have made U turns on small 2 lane roads and have never clipped the ground with the pedal.
The reason why his pedal hit the ground is his fault because everyone should know when you turn sharp corners, the inside pedal should be up, not down so you can lean further without it hitting the ground. I have a schwinn stingray with an engine, and have made U turns on small 2 lane roads and have never clipped the ground with the pedal.

your right he was very new to even bicyling, let alone riding a motor bike. He skateboarded his whole life. I just didnt want to see him all jacked up again so we built his old bike up. The only reason we really built the sting ray was because the shocks on his mtn bike went crazy and his bike was very unstable. We put a pair of solid forks on the front without shocks and the new build of his old bike (allong with some different handlebars) came out better than I could have imagined. The sting ray build was beautifull though I just hate to see it not being used. I might take the forks off of it for my beach cruiser motorized bike assuming they fit.

I agree, the stingray bikes are one of a kind. The forks should fit on another bike so you should at least try to see if they fit on your cruiser.
Hey Guys, i've been building my StingRay up for the last month and have ran into many random problems but nothing i couldn't figure out on my own and from all the posts on this forum. you have all been a great help, but i just can't figure out my chain problem.... i'm running the 44 tooth sprocket so i need 10 more links on my chain. these chains are just such an odd ball size i cant seem to find any extention links or a replacement chain for that matter.

-i have the "80cc" engine kit that you see all over the web
-Both berry's engine mount & exhaust, many extras ect...

this is just the last thing i need to get it running and i'm super excited
Please Help

Hey Guys, i've been building my StingRay up for the last month and have ran into many random problems but nothing i couldn't figure out on my own and from all the posts on this forum. you have all been a great help, but i just can't figure out my chain problem.... i'm running the 44 tooth sprocket so i need 10 more links on my chain. these chains are just such an odd ball size i cant seem to find any extention links or a replacement chain for that matter.

-i have the "80cc" engine kit that you see all over the web
-Both berry's engine mount & exhaust, many extras ect...

this is just the last thing i need to get it running and i'm super excited
Please Help


i had to get mine here Roller Chain, Size 41 - 1150052 | Tractor Supply Company

if you dont have a tractor supply near you, your looking for a #41 roller chain and make sure it has the master link with it,i wouldn't even link it into the chain from the kit,there is more than enough to use the one you buy and its much better quality. you'll either need a chain breaker for it, or cut the section and knock the pins out with a punch,then put your master link in,keep in mind not to go to short. hope this helps
The chain that comes with the kit is size 415, but size 41 will work better. It is wider, so if the engine and sproket do not line up exactly, the chain can make up for it because it will allow some side to side movement. I just changed my chain from 415 to 41 a couple days ago and it rolls on the sprockets much better.
Sweeet... So i went on a little road trip today to the nearest tractor supply .. got my chain! & put the final touches on my ride .. Ready to Rock first thing in the morning!
Thanks for all the words everyone.. its been a fun build.. now its play time
Maybe i'll post some pix soon

i have an occ that we built and runs great with a custom mount built by me and gareth for 12 dollars and was clocked @ 43 mph with a sprocket adapter [highly recomended]im @manic supplied a 38 tooth sprocket and it has no vibes runs awesome custome exhaust coming soon
to summarize this build in one word to explain the difficulties Ive encountered would have to be the word 'custom'. lack of money kept me from buying what i needed to just plug and play on this bike. the parts are out there from exhaust pipes,motor mounts,springer front ends etc etc.but i cant see dumping that much money into this unless i was fabing these up to sell or something. i went into this build back in march and just now i was able to get my engine kit now,around 6 months after the point. im in the middle of installing it right now and my hands and knuckles are nice and beat up and bloody. however if i had to do it all over again i would cause id rather be riding this bike than trying to use an uncomfortable mountain bike frame or cruiser.

for anyone out there that wants to build one of these,keep this in mind. if your broke or think this project is gonna go together over night id say do a regular V-framed bike first. i had a mountain bike that the entire engine kit without any thing extra would of just bolted on and i would of been done in 2 hours max. this is now a stop and go project for me cause im finding out i need this and that from other stores cause i don't have the materials laying around.the only other thing i can can think of is buy ahead of time cause apparently here in the midwest it takes 5 days to wait for the mail to deliver your parts..trkusflg
I built mine in a few days including spraying it, I made my own engine mount, used old Barry’s design but only took a couple of hours + £7.00 of steel but fitted perfect.. just need to get a chain long enough now as the one in the kit was too short ..