Schwinn occ bike any pitfalls and problems ?


New Member
I believe I have the Wallmart version .
Soon to have my Happytime engine in a custom welded cradle.
With some unusual extras.

Maybe a DIY springer.

I searched the forum and found wheel size issues.
Needs a 27 tooth rear sprocket, or equivalent.

Seat issues.
I found a solution.

Any other problems ???
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I was thinking of making one of these myself... The kit i was going to get is a 80cc 44T if I go to 26t will there be any other problems?
You do know it takes a fabricated motor mount to set the motor about 3/4" off the centerline to clear the 4 1/4" back tire. You will also have to build a new exhaust. The kit exhaust will not clear the frame.


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If its your first build......I'd build something else! Its a biatchy to build these OCC Choppers! And they are small. I'm now building my second one > LOL!
i just got done with one like occ sting ray but mine is alot longer he is right about doing alot of fabing but it"s worth it! i got my ride at xzy bikes in torrance california it is orange 001 model love it . it is nice and sweet, try a 36 tooth that is what on mine i got my sons old mongoose and taking off of his and then went to the machine shop for about twenty bucks and done
hey willie can I call you? I need to ask some questions about the xyz bike. Mine will be here friday. send me a private message. or check yours
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You do know it takes a fabricated motor mount to set the motor about 3/4" off the centerline to clear the 4 1/4" back tire. You will also have to build a new exhaust. The kit exhaust will not clear the frame.

I need a occ mount like that, were did you get it? and how much?
I need a occ mount like that, were did you get it? and how much?

Pappy, I machined the mount. You can buy them off e-bay from a guy named Barry. He also sells the exhaust pipe. I think he gets about $50 for the mount and $70 for the pipe. That is why I built my own. I do have the advantage of having a small machine shop.



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I like your better....plz..plz..plz

Pappy, I wish I could make parts for everyone that asks, but I get so many requests and people are always shocked on the amount of time it takes to make this stuff one at a time.
If I really wanted to sell them I would make jigs and fixtures and mass produce them,but after doing Machine shop work for about 40 years for other people I pretty much just work on my own projects now. I do a few jobs here locally but my shop is mainly a hobby shop now for enjoyment.
If someone needs a particular part that they just can not find I usually try to work something out.
Thanks for thr kind words about the mount.

Pappy, I machined the mount. You can buy them off e-bay from a guy named Barry. He also sells the exhaust pipe. I think he gets about $50 for the mount and $70 for the pipe. That is why I built my own. I do have the advantage of having a small machine shop.


I think your mount is much better looking than Barry's. I like the solid Aluminium bottom block. Barrys stuff is good if you get all of his stuff, but I already had a motor mount fab'd so I had to modify the muffler a little. I'm jealous, I want a maching shop! lolusflg
My bike is an OCC chopper. It was my first (and so far only) motorized bicycle build at age 11 and was fairly easy I've had it for about 4 years now and am working on making it legal now. I got a motor mount from barry on ebay. I also got a custom exhaust from barry on ebay.

Motorized Schwinn OCC Chopper Bicycle MOTOR KIT MOUNT - eBay (item 280355920336 end time Jun-15-09 10:41:18 PDT)

Motorized Schwinn Stingray OCC Chopper Bicycle Exhaust - eBay (item 270405395288 end time Jun-15-09 16:42:29 PDT)

You just send him your stock exhaust and he will modify it to fit the occ stingray bike. People say there is a problem mounting the sprocket to the rear hub but for me it was simple. Just drill through the hub and bolt it on, its that easy. You also have to get a longer chain. Hope this is helpful.
Ok, so my friend has a beach cruiser and when I saw a bicycle with an engine I had to get one!!! I knew I had to build a chopper, but I need your help. I now know that I will need some modifications. I know that I need a custom exhaust and the sprocket already fit, so no problems there. Do you have to get a longer chain? Also how do you run the chain so it doesnt rub on anything? I have looked at the pictures but it looks like it is going to rub. What do you suggest for the gas tank, as the one I have will be tricky to affix it to the frame. Thanks you for your time it is greatly appreciated! Any other suggestions
Ok, so my friend has a beach cruiser and when I saw a bicycle with an engine I had to get one!!! I knew I had to build a chopper, but I need your help. I now know that I will need some modifications. I know that I need a custom exhaust and the sprocket already fit, so no problems there. Do you have to get a longer chain? Also how do you run the chain so it doesnt rub on anything? I have looked at the pictures but it looks like it is going to rub. What do you suggest for the gas tank, as the one I have will be tricky to affix it to the frame. Thanks you for your time it is greatly appreciated! Any other suggestions

I built one OCC chopper to work out all the bugs before I build 3 or 4 more this winter.
First you will need a special motor mount to set the engine 7/8" off the center of the frame for the chain to clear the back tire. You will need a longer chain but just buy a 10Ft box of #41 chain at TSC or where ever and cut it to lenght.
As far as the gas tank, it will fit fine. I used the back clamp and didn't even fasten the front two studs. It fits very well and isn't going anywhere.
You will need to fabricate your own chain tensioner, and I will attach a picture of where it has to go. I am going to build a special jack shaft set up on the rest of mine so I don't have to offset the engine and can use two shorter chains or gear belts.



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to summarize this build in one word to explain the difficulties Ive encountered would have to be the word 'custom'. lack of money kept me from buying what i needed to just plug and play on this bike. the parts are out there from exhaust pipes,motor mounts,springer front ends etc etc.but i cant see dumping that much money into this unless i was fabing these up to sell or something. i went into this build back in march and just now i was able to get my engine kit now,around 6 months after the point. im in the middle of installing it right now and my hands and knuckles are nice and beat up and bloody. however if i had to do it all over again i would cause id rather be riding this bike than trying to use an uncomfortable mountain bike frame or cruiser.

for anyone out there that wants to build one of these,keep this in mind. if your broke or think this project is gonna go together over night id say do a regular V-framed bike first. i had a mountain bike that the entire engine kit without any thing extra would of just bolted on and i would of been done in 2 hours max. this is now a stop and go project for me cause im finding out i need this and that from other stores cause i don't have the materials laying around.the only other thing i can can think of is buy ahead of time cause apparently here in the midwest it takes 5 days to wait for the mail to deliver your parts..trkusflg
anyone who has built one of these bikes will tell you it has cost alot of money!! but but they are very cool when done! i look at the funds before you start! i ended up selling mine to my son yes i went back to the cruizer! one reason the money! plus it is alot easier to work on! so good luck and have a great project!!
I just have to do the hardest thing so I chose the OCC but I couldn't be happier. We'll se if I survive the next month and then I can be happy with it!