sbp shift kit!! what rims 2 buy help


New Member
I have a puma stretch cruiser and I want to put on a sbp shift kit, but I have to buy a new rear rim for the gears, anyone know a good set and where to buy them
The choices are nearly as infinite as your wallet really lol - what would you like in a rear wheel?

Now would be a good time to decide if ya want an internally shifted hub or a cassette w/derailleur, choosing how many gears you'd like, even ifya want a disk brake conversion or even a drum. You can have a wheel built, in which case you could use your original rim or upgrade to a stout double wall - or you could just buy one complete in any of the above configurations...

I know I've not answered yer question in any way heh - but the only thing other than budget that is limiting yer choices is if you've got and wanna keep the 68-spoke rim look.
well id like to get a hub that could use a disc brake and the gears on the other side, maybe 7 or 8 gears. im really in the dark about all this. i know im going to have to fab alot of it up. nut any websites i can go to would help alot.

thanks for taking the time to answer my question
Well... you'll prolly not have to fab up very much, at least concerning the rear wheel. If you've budget considerations the least inexpensive route would be to scrounge up a used mountain bike and just rob it's rear wheel, derailleur & shifter (mebbe front too sos they'll match) - usually it's simply a "bolt n'go" with the only tricky bits being you may need to spread the rear stays a hair & the derailleur mount. Most will simply slip behind the axle nut regardless of if the bike was designed for it or not, but you may need to drill a small hole in the dropout to put in a retaining bolt...

While I tend to buy hubs & rims and have them built - w/a ballpark (minimum) cost of $30 rim, $35 hub, $40 build = a lil over a $100 a wheel, this isn't necessarily the best choice if you're after a commonly available wheel, which you seem to be. While ya can jus' shop around for a 26" mountain bike w/disk brake wheel - I would very much recommend going to your local bike shop and ask if they've any "take offs" as a LOT of folks immediately upgrade their new bike even before it leaves the shop, resulting in heaps of brand new wheels and brakes, derailleurs & shifters all at sometimes massively reduced costs.

As the wheel yer after is so fortunately commonplace, I can't really give ya a quick easy link as there's hundreds if not thousands of places lol, but that's a good thing ;)
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No seriously just go to Google shopping and type in 6 speed with disc, tons will come up. Actually Amazon has quite the selection. Just check the size of the spokes, you need at least 13 to 12 gauge to handle the torque. I suggest S-Ram hubs they tend to be a little more stout than the Shimano if you go for internal geared. As far as cassettes they sky's the limit on what you want. Lower gear ratios are best, I think you'd be wasting wrist action shifting through more than 5 or 6 gears. Get a cassette type hub with disc then find you a good cassette with the ratios that suit you. Hope this helps a bit.
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For the life of me I cannot find it now.. Maybe Bairdco will see this and re-post the link.
I was thinking a six or seven speed 11 Gauge spoke set up in Worksmen..