sbp shift kit ??'s

Attached are pictures of the upgraded Sick Bike Parts upper bracket that they sent me. The aluminum spacer prevents the unit from deforming under the stress of the primary chain.

I originally tried the obvious solution, which was to tighten the stock muffler clamp that attaches the bracket to the seat tube. Theoretically, a really tight connection would prevent the unit from rotating around the tube. But the clamps don't have enough "grab" and tightening them any further was crushing the tube.

I haven't spoken to them since its been installed, but I hope they consider including this part in all future orders.


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Looks like they completely changed the geometry of that new bracket with the exception of the location of clamps and the shaft bearings. On the right side they finished the angle above the clamp instead of below, thats where mine has a bit of twist, and it looks like that would add a good amount of rigidity.
What engine are you using? Good luck w/new bracket,...Gearhead
I run a Hua Sheng F142 49cc 4-stroke engine with the GruBee Stage III Gear box on a 2009 Schwinn Sierra 7 (23" frame) bicycle. It's my first build, so I am still tweaking.


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Nice bike, that engine will prolly produce more torque than the gt4 that I run and you're carrying more of a load. Pure coincidence, I run a schwinn sierra that is prolly exactly 20 years older than yours. I'd post a picture but haven't taken the time to figure that out yet.
Maybe you guys should fabricate a strap that goes from jack shaft to motor to keep it from twisting...Just a thought Flex....
That's what ocscully did on his. He and I were the first on the forums to do 4G on SBP mount as far as I can tell. He went external shift, and I went internal. My mount twisted quite a bit once I started throttling hard, and still is a bit tweaked, but it stopped moving awhile back. Doing wheelies with apehangers don't work that well anyway, but my setup is capable of it out of first gear if I pull back and pedal hard while pulling that trigger. My mount is the old one without jackshaft brace.

Maybe you guys should fabricate a strap that goes from jack shaft to motor to keep it from twisting...Just a thought Flex....
i have a grubee gt4 as well and tring to mount the shift kit i noticed that the 1/2" spacer is to big do you guys think a could just cut or gring the 1/8" off or how would you suggest the make a smaller one.
i just installed the new 2 stroke kit. a few changes i'd like to see. the spacer block for the engine mount was 1/8" to thick. no way to set the chain up, either to long or to short even with the half link. i milled it down and got it to work. that left the slot for the bolt that goes through the clutch cover misaligned. had to mill the slot longer toward the rear. also the jack shaft to pedal chain is very close to the bottom of the clutch cover, when it gets some slack it's most likely going to rub.

would like to see the spacer block made thiner and the slot for the clutch cover bolt made longer and more shims included in the kit. the holes in in the jack shaft bracket for the bearings should be moved down a 1/4" for more chain clearance to the bottom of the clutch cover. over all very good kit. could cause install problems though for some people who don't have the abilty to modify the parts.
still very good for a kit thats trying to be a universal fit for every bike out there.
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i just installed the new 2 stroke kit. a few changes i'd like to see. the spacer block for the engine mount was 1/8" to thick. no way to set the chain up, either to long or to short even with the half link. i milled it down and got it to work. that left the slot for the bolt that goes through the clutch cover misaligned. had to mill the slot longer toward the rear. also the jack shaft to pedal chain is very close to the bottom of the clutch cover, when it gets some slack it's most likely going to rub.

would like to see the spacer block made thiner and the slot for the clutch cover bolt made longer and more shims included in the kit. the holes in in the jack shaft bracket for the bearings should be moved down a 1/4" for more chain clearance to the bottom of the clutch cover. over all very good kit. could cause install problems though for some people who don't have the abilty to modify the parts.
still very good for a kit thats trying to be a universal fit for every bike out there.

I had the same problem that you had except I did not have the tools to mill it down. So I took the spacer outside to my concrete porch and stood on it while grinding it down to the proper size. It came out perfectly flat and grinded down not to metion that it grinded all the stains and bike tracks off of the porch at the same time. It took about 45 min between gring and going inside and checking the fit.
Please tell us what engine you guys are using. I would say simply that all our engines and the vast majority of engines our customers have used simply did not need this step at all. That said, we have heard of 1 or 2 other people having the same issue, so we could have a thinner spacer for such cases. Thanks for the input!
Please tell us what engine you guys are using. I would say simply that all our engines and the vast majority of engines our customers have used simply did not need this step at all. That said, we have heard of 1 or 2 other people having the same issue, so we could have a thinner spacer for such cases. Thanks for the input!

I used a sky hawk Gt4. I emailed Jim and you guys at SBP about it and the sugestion was to take some off the motor in which I did and it worked a little so I didn't have to take as much off the spacer which saved me some time.

I used a sky hawk Gt4. I emailed Jim and you guys at SBP about it and the sugestion was to take some off the motor in which I did and it worked a little so I didn't have to take as much off the spacer which saved me some time.


That has worked for folks as well and is our standard suggestion. Thanks again!
gt5. maybe give the standard 1/2" shim and one 1/4" shim and 4 or 5 of the thin metal shims in the kit to give more options. over all i'm well pleased with the shift kits i've got from you. i have one mounted on a morini s6s that has held up to all that power with no problems.