Say Hello to Storm

The bike in the video is a prototype without pedals, but on the website it's shown with pedals.
Those are some nice ranges! A little slow, but I suspect that helps with the range. Recharge time is reasonable I Suppose.
At under 500, Id say not bad :)
Looks interesting for sure.
I kinda want one.

POPS- Glad to see you around. Never got a chance to thank you for a recommendation you made to someone here quite awhile ago- Honda Rebel seat. Seen it, and love it. Still gotta buy my own.
For $500 sign me up. As a matter of fact, I did sign up on their face book page. The launch is in 4 days, and it says they'll notify my email.

Too good to be true ??? At that price a person could not buy the parts.
You will never see this bike for $500. They say the secret to being able to build this ebike so cheap is "their team's experience". Sorry but there's no secret in that formula that allows them to market an ebike at 1/3 the cost of it's parts. Like most ebikes the claimed range/speed are 2x real world results. Still, if they could offer it at $500 I would buy one to modify.
If Mongoose was to build a bike like this in volume and market through Walmart they could keep the price under $1000 but that's out of the range of most Walmart shoppers. You can buy a 36v ebike w/front suspension for $550 from WM now but it's motor and battery are so poor that the range is unacceptable and fails in the first year. Until ebikes are common enough to be produced and sold in high volume we are stuck paying over $1000, and in most cases building our own to get anything of quality.
The price does seem too good to be true. Their face book says the price is introductory, offered to people that sign up on face book for email notification of the release. The actual price will probably be higher.
Looks interesting for sure.
I kinda want one.

POPS- Glad to see you around. Never got a chance to thank you for a recommendation you made to someone here quite awhile ago- Honda Rebel seat. Seen it, and love it. Still gotta buy my own.

Your welcome Trey. I bought one some time ago for my wifes Rebel off ebay. It came out of china, and was real good quality and cost around $60 with shipping. I'm going to scooch it off her for a chopper build I'm doing and get her another one. I think I just put honda rebel parts in the search box on ebay and stumbled across the store....POPS
If I'm understanding it right, the full price must be $2000. If you sign up for the launch with your email it says you get 75% off. $500 would be 75% off of $2000.
2 hours left to sign up before the launch. If this comes true, I'm ready to hit the buy button.
I've gotten another guy interested, and he's standing by as well.
Hit the "Biknut Buy Button" twice and I'll pay shipping on the one coming to me. And there's your excuse for a trip to the Rockies, to ride it. It's really a win win. Really, it is... lol
Im hoping that my roomate picks one up. I signed up just incase they would be interested.
Sorry, but I don't believe their "30 to 50 mile" claim.
Probably more like 20 miles if you are lucky.
I don't think they have given the specs on what battery it comes with.

They claim 36v 380wh lithium ion battery. I think that's 10ah which is a pretty good size battery for a low power factory build. They're also claiming may delivery which could mean June assuming last day of May shipping. If this is for real it looks like a killer deal. They're giving us till Feb 6th to order one at the $500 price.
