Saggy Chain Cause

allen standley

Well-Known Member
I've been watching my chain stretch all season. Well It has not been the chain stretching at all. After a little investigation I made this discovery... Been running this particular motor in my Heavy Huffy 3 years.
Worn Drive Sprocket.JPG
Just in time I would imagine. Glad I got a spare. Everybody check on this from time to time or when convenient.
been trying to keep unobtainable antique motorcycle sprockets from looking like that for years - sometimes a too-tight chain will do that, but it is usually caused by a chain that has worn to where the links have gotten longer than spec - three or four chain adjustments, then new chain
Thanks Crassius I did a new chain too. Held at the end the old one reminded me of a kinda like a piece of jewlery. really loose like that.
Newby here, I been riding dirt bikes all my life and yes chain and sprockets do wear out. They take one heck of a beating. First tell tale sign is very pointy (sharp) sprocket teeth.Glad you caught it before bad things happen.