rubber glued to engine cover works!

As mentioned before, a mouse pad would make and exellent you can get 'em with different colors and pictures....use thye fabric side out of course.
Anyone tried to coat the inside of the cover with a sound deadener? I'm thinking of using a thin coating of auto undercoating/sound deadener.
That should work.

Just watch the clearance, which is pretty close. You don't want to be cleaning undercoating out of your gears...
I did the "mouse pad thing" 100% difference. Noise drove me crazy. Just a perfectionist I imagine. I put the pad on with picture in/ black out. I used liquid mails for adhesive, and came out nice. Good thing cause liquid nails will probably never come off.. LOL...
Great to hear that the 'mousepad thing' is working. I heard of mousepad kits you can buy that allow you to print up different pictures and graphics on blank mousepads. I bet you guys could come up with some interesting stuff.;)

Looks like its time for some custom HT engine silencers. All you need is a fancy logo like that "other" forum. (^)
