Rotten Orange build - Gary Fisher Aquila shifter buildup!

Lenny, I'm fairly confident that I can get this thing to work without chopping the seat post tube. Its just going to be very very tight.

I've come up with a much simpler design for a clam-shell style mount that I'll post up once completed.

Until then, here is where the engine & shift kit is sitting right now. It is ready to be test fitted to the bike.

The basic jackshaft setup installed on the engine:

The chain from the engine to the jackshaft:

The 10 tooth drive sprocket that will drive the crank sprocket:

Profile shot of the right side of the engine/shifter kit:
Profile shot of the left side of the engine/shifter kit:

And here is my design for an engine mount sleeve clamp that prevents metal fatigue of aluminum frames:
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That is a great clamp that people can make for their bikes to be much stronger when mounting a frame mount motor. There are steel frames that that idea would help out as well. The last 20-30 years they have built bicycles lighter and lighter to the point of too light if any error takes place. The motor is an error in design that is corrected by this clamp. I don't know if that is understandable English but I do like the clamp. Just analyzing and making adjustments for additional stresses is so important to making things work right, and for more than a week or two.
Yep, I think that is about as simple as it can be made. Thankfully, the autoparts store has all kinds of sizes of high grade exhaust clamps that can be used to do this type of mount. I had to get a 1-5/8" clamp to get a 1-3/4" ID that I could use for the 1-3/4" OD tubing that will fit my seatpost tube. I'll still need to put the tubing in the vice and squeeze it abit to get the contact area maximized. my seat tube is just a hair over 1.4" OD. My tubing is around 1.5"-1.6" ID. I'll make it work one way or another. :)

I'll see if I can hobble around in the garage tomorrow and make a couple of these mounts to try out on the bike.

Lenny, the nice thing is that these clamps can be made for just a little over $3 each. If you need any of them for your future engines, I can make you some

Also, Lenny, while I'm thinking of it, do you have the tools to remove the edal/crank set from my bike? I dont think I have the tools I need to remove it to put in the new freewheel crank.

PS: I'll get the tube ready for brazing to the handlebars this weekend.

BTW, just found out that I won ANOTHER carburetor on ebay. This one is a really nice Mikuni off a Kawasaki RM65, which is a 2 stroke 65cc bike. Should be a perfect match for my next 67cc bike. :) Scored it for $12! You gotta love ebay!
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Fantastic, lenny!!! Can we plan on doing that on monday or tuesday when we braze the handlebars? I can probably throw the bike in the back of my truck ith the help of my roommate and bring it over to your place with the new parts.

BTW, I'm still waitin on all the parts from Niagara Cycles. They are being really slow this shipment for some reason. Need to see if I can get them to ship all the in stock stuff now, as Im pretty ure they are waiting on an out of stock item to show up. I'll see if I can take care of that tommorrow. We need to get that double kickstand on your bike. :)
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That works for me. Will need to be either Morning or evening. I have PT mid afternoon.. lasts about 2 hours. Just let me know what works best for you and I'll be there.
I'm running a Dellorto and it's much better than the stock china one. I especially like the choke system on it. You flip the chock on and to turn it off, you simply give it full throttle.

Easy Rider, Just as a baseline setup for me to start with, what are your jet sizes in your Dellorto? Also, what engine size and any exhaust mods?
Profile shot of the left side of the engine/shifter kit:

And here is my design for an engine mount sleeve clamp that prevents metal fatigue of aluminum frames:

Datz I had thought of the thin aluminum frame also. I have a suspension seatpost and was thinking about dropping the stock seatpost down in the seat tube. I have done this before to repair a cracked frame, extra support for the welds... Just a thought......
So Datz what kit number are you?? I know kinda weak but Im number two. Was just wondering who number one was....

Im starting on mine tomorrow if the temp in the garage dont get over a 100 again. I moded my mounts to fit the bike and the rear mount I shorten by a 1/2 or more so I have to see if I can get that back and still be able to mount it to the bike. If not Im holding out till I get my 1 to 3 piece conversions.
I have noticed that just about everyone so far is going to a disk brake bike. Im kinda getting the feeling that Im going to have to go to something better also.
I was order # 7 but did not send money for 3 days or so. I got mine today. The Disk brake upgrade is a wise thing. I will be using my twisted spokes on this bike as the Gebe wont take it. I think I'll sell the GEBE kit, and focus on this one. I really dont like plastic stuff in this Arizona heat. I really do like the kit from It is solid and well done.
John (datz), I like your design for the mounts, and will probably steal it for myself, if you don't mind
(to immitate is to flatter :))
I like the design too, not necessary for a steel frame but maybe something we incorporate in the 4 stroke kit and will be backwards compatible to the original 2 stroke design.
Well, all, GREAT news!!! The shifter kit fits on the Rotten Orange.

I got it all mocked up (except for the freewheel pedal assy as I need a tool for that), but with the custom motor mounts I made, it looks like its going to work very well.

It looks like the U bolt brackets will not be able to be bolted through the shift kit engine rear plate, but rather must be welded to the top (and bottom) edges of the plate in order for this to work with a large diameter seatpost. I will make some more measurements before any final welding is done.

Ghost0, I have 1/8" clearance between the right bearing bracket and the tire, and less than 1/4" clearance between the jackshaft and my oversized seat post tube. This seat post is a 1.4" tube where the engine sits.

I will need to cut off the ferrule (I think thats what its called) that is welded to the frame that the front derailleur cable sheath seats in. That will have to be cut off in order to fit the new design motor mounts.

This thing is going to be extremely solid though, that is for sure!!

i took lots of photos, which will be posted up shortly.
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Alright! Here are photos after a hot afternoons work out in the garage:

Making the new motor mounts:

First, the tubing is chopped in the chop saw. I cut two peices.. a 2.5" for the top mount and a 2" for the bottom mount:

Then took the plasma cutter and cut these tube peices in half:

THen off to the grinder and wirewheel for some finishing work, they look a lot nicer at this point:

Then, the 1-5/8" u bolts get clamped into my workmate to let me weld the pieces together:
Now time to break out this bad boy:

And the final product after all this work.. a couple of really nice frame mounts. Should keep the aluminum frame in good shape and hold up very well to abuse: