Ronzworld Cycle


Hi there .. Ron here from Ronzworld Cycle way up in frozen Regina , Saskatchewan Canada ...
Totally new to this so just want to check in and say hi to y'all !

We are in the process of putting together a club and mabe some cruise nights/ days ... Show n shine mabe... I'm not really sure just how many people are out there in my area (Southern Saskatchewan , Saskatoon) that would like to get involved ?? I myself put over 20 buildz out there and I am pretty sure that most are still riding them ... although the winter is a little more than some like for riding ... ( I have no choice ...I'm addicted ..) Anyone interested is encouraged to get ahold of me through this forum or contact me directly at 306-351-2356 and we can swap information and start getting prepared for the summer months.
Hopefully I will be flooded with calls !!
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Welcome to the forum. Glad you've joined us. All of our Canadian members have had a tough winter this year. Hope yours wasn't too bad.

If we can help in any way with your first motorized bicycle project let us know. Lots of experience here to draw from.
Have fun and good luck.

Ya it's been a loooonnnggg winter this year ... I commute about 4.5km's/day ...everyday on my bike and I could never do it without my motor pullin' me through ! Some mornings have been like -50 c and -48 c with the windchill and then you add about 25 mph to that on the bike .... Yep that's livin' the dream !
Where ru from ? What's yer conditions ?
Welcome. I am from San Diego. Today it is sunny and high 70's (F). Headed out to ride along the coast and soak in the sun.
welcome to the world of motorized bicycles. at least winter is on the down slide for you. great to have you with us, I was in Saskatchewan years back bear hunting, got a beautiful blond black bear with my bow, awesome country
Well the next visit up to Canada you're going to have to come see me and take one of my cruisers out and we can try and bag a couple more"blondes" .... Just not sure where we would find bears tho ... Lol !!! Nice to hear about your home ..I was just out for a ride myself ... Was a warm day ... we hit zero !! Spring has sprung .. (I hope!) Ya ... first ride in a long time that I didn't have to wear a face mask and worry about frost bite !!
Before I was married I used to go 'blond' hunting. Never tried it with a bow and arrow though. Is that legal in Canada?

My new Grubee GT 2-A build
Started with the Grubee GT 2-A frame , stuffed in a 66 cc balanced and ported PK-80 motor ( w/ the nice fat crank ) added a dual plug 5.3 cc 'Fred Head' matched up to a HD Lightning dual ignition twin coil set up , a SBP expansion chamber exaust ( port matched ) , hyd. disc brakes front and rear , SBP HD shift kit , and am now just waiting on my reed valve intake and carb to arrive (any day now ... ) I just have to hurry up and wait I guess ...
Anyways that's it let me know what ya think ... make sure you get in close and hava look at that motor ....
Ron ... ( keep a watch out there will be more ta come )


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I haven't put the fire to it yet .... waitin' for the reed valve intake and carb ta show up ... but I must say it is getting rather tempting and if it isn't here with t'days deliveries I think the fire is gonna hit them plugs ... I can't restrain myself any longer ... the rest of it's a go so ..... well imagine having that sitting in front of you .. tempting you ... taunting you ... out right teasing you .... I'm trembling , shaking at the knees ....
Put the fire in the Grubee ta'day .. WOW !! it didn't take much too get it burning either ... one good (very hard ) crank of the pedals and ... like I said ...WOW!! When it caught it kinda took me by surprise ... I just about fell off the back !! Sounds awesome and has unbelievable throttle response ...starts pulling hard right from the bottom too the top ... if there is a top ?? I didn't run it too high as it's a little fresh for that but I did give it a good work out .... that SBP shift kit is the answer too ... no end to the top end that's for sure ! I ran it up to 55mph along side a buddys street bike and it was still on the climb !! I was cruising along side that 750 street bike all around town like I was on one too ! Standing starts are pedal-less and shifting through the gears it pulls hard and steady in it's very wide power band... feels and sounds like a little dirt bike !! I am truly impressed ... a success for sure .. and $$ well spent . The twin plug head along with HD Lightnings CDI and the dual coils has a sound all of it's own ... the dual plugs diffinetly add the extra "log" on the fire !! Way cool ! A "twin" thumbs up !! lol
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It runs "CRAZY" good !! most powerful chinese motor I've ever felt ! sounds pretty cool too ! I just got a call from a real great guy who just happens ta build a certain ignition system (that is by far the best out there ) and he is going to re-work his cdi and send me a very special "TWIN" plug version !! Ya so that'll be way too cool too ! I have one of his now but it is really only designed too power 1 coil so he told me that I will end up frying the diodes ?? I'm a little under educated when it comes too electronics so I am very lucky that we were able too hook up and that he took the time(and concern) to offer his knowledge and help... I hafta say that since getting into(and I'm talkin "deep" into ) the motorized bicycles I've sure been lucky and have met some very nice (and knowledgable) guys !
Thanx for the complement on my build as well it is much apreciated coming from a guy that builds as well as you !!
I really enjoy the bike ... going ta finish up another GT2-A build and then they will both go in for powder ... working out the scheme .. I find that is the hard part ... committing too a color and design ... so many different ways a guy can go with it ... makes my head spin !! lol !!