Rocky's Motorized Bicycle


New Member
Nov 14, 2011
Fort Collins & Boulder
I thought I'd post what I made. I actually made two bikes, but the first one was not used because the rear wheel was 32 spokes instead of 36. So I took it apart and put it on the other bike. I may motorize the green one still because it looks pretty good with it! Just needs a different rear wheel which I think I may have a solution to without buying a new one.

Green trek that only needed gas and the chain hooked up

The current working bike. Runs great! About 8 miles so far, it's not with me at school but I'm hoping to bring it down this weekend.


Well-Known Member
May 1, 2011
Looks like you did a good job. You may want to zip tie the magneto wires away from the exhaust pipe brfore you get out on a long ride and the heat damages the insulation.


New Member
Nov 14, 2011
Fort Collins & Boulder
I was thinkin about that. I may lengthen it some more too and solder it together. And then cut the fuel line shorter, I seem to have an odd vacuum thing where gas doesn't go into it unless I squeeze it. Although I haven't fully filled the tank yet so that may be the cause.. Just 8-16 oz

The bike isn't particularly special looking, but gotta start somewhere!


Jan 1, 2011
Denver, CO
Get them kinks and bugs worked out my friend... the full-time riding season is approaching faster then we may think. We'd really like you to join us on the Denver Area Rides. Keep the progress reports coming :)


New Member
Nov 14, 2011
Fort Collins & Boulder
It would certainly be loads of fun :D I was really hoping to get that iron horse bike I made a thread about and do a full custom build to it (more than the kit) for this summer. Haven't gotten an email back yet though so I'll have to continue my search for a bike. I saw your blue diamond back, she's gorgeous! Did you ever get that shift kit on it?

My current one posted up there is great and all, but the style of bike just won't make for the look that I'd like. Although I got to say, the sprocket was very easy to do since it almost perfectly matched the hub so that I didn't even have to try and make it center. Fingers crossed to bring it down this weekend!
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Jan 1, 2011
Denver, CO
It would certainly be loads of fun :D I was really hoping to get that iron horse bike I made a thread about and do a full custom build to it (more than the kit) for this summer. Haven't gotten an email back yet though so I'll have to continue my search for a bike. I saw your blue diamond back, she's gorgeous! Did you ever get that shift kit on it?

My current one posted up there is great and all, but the style of bike just won't make for the look that I'd like. Although I got to say, the sprocket was very easy to do since it almost perfectly matched the hub so that I didn't even have to try and make it center. Fingers crossed to bring it down this weekend!
Although the SBP shift kit is a fine product, I decided against the shift kit and just left the bike the way it is (already fast enough). I decided to build a totally different bike rather then dump more money into the DB. Your Trek is coming along and doesn't look bad... just keep looking on CL you'll find what your looking for soon enough.

Keep in touch



Staff member
Sep 15, 2008
Littleton, Colorado
I fixed that photo for you so members can get a better look at your bike.

Are you running a 48T sprocket? It should help if you have to climb hills.

I suggest to find a way to secure that chain tensioner bracket. Those tapered chain stays won't allow the clamp-on bracket to stay put.



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New Member
Nov 14, 2011
Fort Collins & Boulder
Thanks tom!
It's a 44t sprocket but seems to do very well on the hills I've tried it on. If I can ride it saturday I'll know for sure how well it'll do. It helps that I'm pretty light.
I've been hoping to make a new chain tensioner but it's so difficult during the semester since I'm in the dorms where I really can't make anything. Some weekend hopefully I can go home and build something. In the meantime I'll be checking it for any signs of movement and adjusting when needed feverishly.

Might remove my rear tensioner off my old mountain bike and see what I can do with that as a temporary replacement. Just need a different small sprocket to replace the bike chain sized one.

I am planning on bringing it to school with my this sunday.. I'm a little nervous about it. The bike will be locked with thousands of others. I'll put this one underneath the area that has a roof thing over it but there's less traffic of people (may be a good thing)
The area is not particularly known for hardcore thieves cutting off big locks or anything, but I am still rather worried. Not much I can do about it I suppose. I'll have a $60 lock at the end of the week though. From $110. The small design of it is a plus, makes it much more difficult if a thief really did try and cut it. Past this, any determined thief can get through any lock. I don't think that that is to much of a problem though, Boulder is not newyork or anything.

I guess what makes me nervous is that you can't really lock the engine to the frame. I really doubt someone would actually unbolt everything to take the engine but what do you think? Again though I'll park it in-between the pile of other bikes to make any sort of tool use difficult.
I suppose it is important to note that just about every other bike here is worth about 500+ dollars... Lots of people from wealthy family's. They get here seeing the mountain and the trails and summer weather and buy a nice bike and then it sits all winter because they don't know about colorado winter. So now that I think about it, a ton of the bikes here are much more valuable than mine as it is now.
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New Member
Nov 14, 2011
Fort Collins & Boulder
Went for the longest ride I've done so far. Worked quite well! Pulled the steepest of hills. felt a little slow on the straight aways though but that's because the wide open space. And 3/4 to full throttle doesn't change at all.
3/4 through the trip I heard a loud sound as if it backfired. When I got home I realized I was missing a nut from a mount so im not sure if that had to do anything with the noise. Pullin out the locktight!


Well-Known Member
May 1, 2011
I had the same problem with my bike, after changing to a sbp air filter and drilling the jet I got mine to run like it should.


New Member
Nov 14, 2011
Fort Collins & Boulder
I definately feel that there is power to be had. But before doing anything to my current carb i'll buy the one from thatsdax. The rt I think it is. Only 30 bucks :D
I didn't think about that with the shift kit. So many advantages to it! But I'd rather put it on a bike that has front suspension.
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New Member
Nov 14, 2011
Fort Collins & Boulder
first 20 or so ounces was 16:1. with todays trip I put another 20 in at 24:1. Put threadlock on the mounting bolts after and head bolts and retorqued them. Should be good to go for a while tomorrow :)
still haven't filled the tank all the way but will tomorrow if I bring it down. But for the next few tanks im gonna do 24:1 to break it in. After that I may go the opti2 route though since people love it so much around here :D


Staff member
Sep 15, 2008
Littleton, Colorado
Don't start making adjustments or adding aftermarket parts until the engine is fully broken in. You'll need to run through a few gallons of fuel before you can determine what the engine needs as far as fuel, air, etc.

Too many people are taken in by advertising/forum discussion claims of power increases before their engines have had a chance to 'seat in' and run as good as it can. Leave the aftermarket parts for later. Ride it and enjoy it for a while then worry about performance upgrades.


New Member
Nov 14, 2011
Fort Collins & Boulder
Oh yes of course, I figured that more power could blow the rings before they're settled. Or something like that. I probably wont be able to add anything anyway till summer. It'll be a productive one :D


New Member
May 25, 2011
Hi All, been out of commission for awhile,but feeling better,Looking foward to this summer, planning on the gas bike trek here in Wa, not really a trek kind of a swap meet and a chance to ride the trails and streets.


New Member
Nov 14, 2011
Fort Collins & Boulder
This may sound dumb but... What exactly is a swap meet?

I hope you guys don't mind me persistantly asking about bikes so often
Since the owner never emailed me back my eyes moved back to the trek 820. I love the paint job on it and think it could be a real good lookin bike in the mountain bike field. which brings me to its frame. Most MB's are aluminum but this one is steel. They claim this:
Trek Custom Steel w/chromoly seat tube, replaceable derailleur hanger

custom steel.. Not much info to go on but it sounds to me like a good candidate for a motor and shift kit. I gotta stop day dreamin! It's all so exciting.


New Member
Nov 14, 2011
Fort Collins & Boulder
Oh yes, we have those in fort collins during the summer. A number of them actually. I'd say new west fest counts as one. That's always a fun one. All sorts of cool vendors out, bands, carnival rides, aah I can't wait for the summer