When somebody says road bike, everybody assumes road race bike. I own four road bikes and only one of them qualifies as a racing bike. My assessment would be yes for the cross bike and the touring bike and no for the racing bike. The near vintage hybrid is plenty strong but it's fast becoming a collector's item so it wouldn't be considered.
I don't know about everybody else but my heaviest and toughest bike is a road bike, a loaded touring rig. Heavy duty Reynolds 520 steel with hand built, custom, 36 spoke wheels. Built to continuously handle 60 lbs. on the rear rack and another 40 lbs. on the front. That's 100 lbs. of static weight plus my own for thousands of trouble free miles. Equivalent to a 300+ lb. rider going from coast to coast.
There's only one of my three mountain bikes that could come close to handling that.