road bike mashup


Aug 31, 2010
Rochester MN
That is awesome, bump start for centrifugal clutch.
Yeah! Its been working great. Just need to double check that who ever you buy it from states that it can be bump started. The only trouble I had was getting the clutch bell with the bearings onto the shaft, and the shaft that came with the kit didn't fit over the crankshaft so I had to file it out. I have an older kit from 2012 so idk if that had something to do with it. Bit of a fiddley job but easily done with a couple free hours and a preferred beverage.


Old, Fat, and still faster than you
Oct 8, 2011
memphis Tn
Nice response, you have really addressed my concerns directly. I've been putting some miles on my rig and starting to notice exactly what you are saying. I'm starting to see a bit more smooth operation and a touch more power in the lower range. The trick is that I live in a hilly area and I have another bike that I really want to put the 54 tooth on. When I have all that I need I'm going to move the kit. My parents have a small property and I'd like to take it off road a bit. Not through the mud or anything but perhaps through the gravel and on hard packed dirt. I kind of wonder if I put a rack on the back and pegs on the rear wheel, if I might be able to pull a passenger. I'm dreaming I know but I do that from time to time.
One thing to remember is these engines are directly coupled to the rear wheel with a manual clutch. IE there will ALWAYS be some jerking and chain slap under decel and at low speeds. This is simply a fact of singles.
There are two ways to reduce this:
#1- pull in the clutch when it jerks or speed up.
#2- install a centrifugal clutch kit.


New Member
Jun 19, 2016
Flemingsburg, Kentucky

I got a 50 tooth sprocket and installed it, on the notion that the 54 tooth might be too slow. Well I have concluded that I'm definitely not in the game for speed and 50 tooth is not quite enough for off road riding. I think its perfect for cruising around town though. I don't mind it accept that even though it appears to be lined up well it pops sometimes. I'm wondering if I should ride it out or make some kind of adjustment and if I make some kind of adjustment what would that be.


New Member
Jun 19, 2016
Flemingsburg, Kentucky
Ok about three days into it the popping stopped. Now I really wish I had my 44 tooth sprocket back. I'm going to put it back on this weekend. I'm sure the mosquitoes on my front porch are looking forward to it. Lesson learned, listen to those with more experience.


New Member
Aug 8, 2016
hey i am a total newb too :)
where i live is really hilly to, how fast are your really wanting to go lol
i think i walk about 3.4 miles per hour or somewhere in there, so me going over 23 is good enough for me on straight flat stretches, as long as i can hold around 15 to 17 mph going up these terrible hills in my town i am alright ;)
some of these hills would be like going up a 9/12 pitch roof so i hope i am doing ok so far and it seems like you are learning by asking questions which is a great thing so keep learning, i'll keep learning to so maybe we can swap tips some day.
nice to meet you,


New Member
Jun 19, 2016
Flemingsburg, Kentucky
Hi there LBC, my 50 tooth cruising 15 to 17 up hill was no problem. With the 44 tooth cruising 21 to 24 up hill is no problem. This biggest difference is the starting speed. I need to get at or past 10mph before clutching with the 44 tooth. With the 50 tooth much less 5 to 7 perhaps. I chose the 44 tooth because cars seemed to be annoyed with my at 15 to 17. I understand 21 to 24 is not much better but I feel more considerate.


New Member
Aug 8, 2016
around 10mph to get the china girl started? now to me that in itself would seem strange 0nly because i have to peddle up to about 6 mph, dump the clutch, feather the throttle and away she goes.
i think that geared and tuned right these things could be pretty powerful climbers, but i am a newb and don't know much about this stuff except for what i have mentally digested from this forum.
once you get your hands and mind latched onto this hobby it seems to just draw you in lol
Good luck on your build and keep me posted!