Rheumatoid Arthritis

I also had an RA before and I used to take metho and meloxicam. Before, I always have burning sensation in my left foot and I couldn't walk straight, my joints was like rubbing each other so bad... I got tired of taking meds so I decided to consult to orthopedic surgeon. Dr Purita advised me to undergo stem cell therapy, which we did after two weeks. I can say that the treatment was successful because it's been a year now and I never had problems with my left foot again..
my prayers are w you i have 3 herniated disks i torn disk an piched nerve in my neck and i am only 38 so i can imagine since i get shots in my neck monthly im not for off from realizing your pain hope something gives for all ofus soon
I also have RA -- the AS variety. So far, Enbrel and Humera have not worked for me. For some reason, my rhuematologist is reluctant to try methotrexate......may have something to do with my kidney disease.....

I've had to adjust my pain scale. Sometimes 10 just doesn't cut it.

This was one of the reasons that I motorized my bike. I have to walk a lot at work and just didn't feel like pedalling the bike when I got home.
I feel for you Buddy, i'm going through it myself with both hands and wrists. The Doc has me on Methotrexate and that seems to ease it off enough to work on things and keep the mind off. Worst time is getting up in the morning for me. Hate to start on any more Hydrocodone cuz its very addictive. Chin up pal.
Methotrexate goes into the liver and does what it does from there. My primary care Dr. was reluctant to try it for me and started me on a very low dosage. My Rheumatologist has upped the dosage twice now. He's been in the treatment of RA for 30+ years. The RA is much better than this time last year, thank God and all my Dr.'s.

Had a bit of excitement the weekend of the 19th. That Friday my chest started hurting really bad. I kind of knew it wasn't a heart attack. I had Pleurisy (sp?) as a teenager. That's when the sack that encloses the lungs collects fluid putting pressure on the lungs and making it hard to breath. This felt much like that but with my heart. When I got to the hospital and they diagnosed what I had, I was right. Acute Pericarditis, the sack that encloses the heart was collecting fluid putting pressure on my heart. They pumped me full of steroids and anti-biotics all weekend. Monday afternoon they did a heart cath. Went in through my femoral artery in my groin, inserted two tubes and took a look at my heart. Was cool to see my heart beating on the monitor. The news after was good. Actually all the news, from the time they diagnosed till discharge was all good.

I got home Tuesday afternoon a little after 3. About 7:30 I rode my pedal bike to my Pharmacy ~3 blocks away to get my prescriptions filled. I am feeling much better than this time last week but not as good as I felt this time 2 weeks ago, before the hospital.

I learned some things. I used to think I just had RA. It turns out I have very high levels of Rheumatoid in my system and it attacks other organs as well as joints. I can only laugh at this point. If I whine, complain and cry about all this it only makes things worse. Besides, laughter is good for ya, right?
I hate it when I'm having a bad pain day --- I just can't seem to control my attitude as well. I try to suppress things, sometimes they just come out. I think that I may have "AST".......Anklyosing Spondilitis Tourette's.

I thought when I got divorced 4 years ago after 19 years of marriage that my Tourette's had been cured..............oh well!!