Reliable towing motor


New Member
Feb 7, 2013
I've searched the forums and found a couple of threads about towing. Most recommend the Flyinghorse 4 stroke or the Titan xc50s (the current equivalent seems to be the XC50R MAGNUM). Currently I have a little Honda 35gx setup with a rear chain drive system, its a great little motor but its always had a problem with hills. With the trailer on and stuff loaded in it what is normally just a fun work out becomes a horrid slog, and some where in the middle I become terrified that I'm going to blow out the motor. I have designated spots where I stop, de-gear, turn the motor off and we both have a cool down. This makes what is normally a 20 minute ride take an hour, and I can't pump enough carbs or protein into my system to make that kind of exercise sustainable.

What I'm looking for is a 4 stroke that's the same form factor as my Honda that can take the stress of pulling an trailer load. Load break down is as follows.

Trailer = 10lbs
Chair = 2lbs
Folding Table = 26lbs
Shade Canopy = 15lbs
Other = 10lbs
Me = 108
the bike = 35lbs

Total that the motor has to haul = 209lbs

I would be willing to switch to a center mount 4 stroke but I'm almost positive that the triangle is too small since it was not a consideration when I purchased the bike. I've pretty much settled on getting the Titan, but I'm open to other options, the biggest thing I'm worried about with the Titan is over revving so any information on that would be wonderful too. Though I am in the process of researching it.


New Member
Feb 7, 2013
ajoh: the biggest problem with using a different gear box is I would have to re-engineer the bike, she's my daily driver and I work 6-7 days a week. This is currently how I'm set up.

Venice: You're hilarious! I don't want to kill my self, I just want to be able to tow the trailer... in all seriousness though this wouldn't even fit in the triangle of my little mountain bike. Which is brand new, I cracked the seat post on my other bike but she gave 2 long years of rough service. Not bad for a huffy. But the more I look the more it seems like I'm going to have to build my self a new bike anyway.


New Member
Feb 7, 2013
I think I found my solution... the That's Dax rear mount chain drive. Upon closer inspection I realized that their mounting kit has ports for the transmission sprocket on BOTH sides, so I won't have to re-engineer the bike EVERY TIME I change something.


Mar 21, 2014
how about a pusher trailer ? you could keep your bike as is but have a motorized trailer that hooks up as needed that way you keep riding uninterrupted while you build or built your pusher trailer to me it's win win


New Member
Feb 7, 2013
I wouldn't even know where to start for motorizing a push trailer. But I realized I still have that busted huffy frame, its the same dimensions as the current bike so if I need to I can set it up as a work stand.

I don't think I will though, if I get the That's Dax rear mount chain drive it will make mounting different configurations mush easier. I'm just wondering how much speed that 18.75 to 1 transmission is going to rob me of. Also does it require right or left hand mounting? If I can mount it left handed then I can put the full gear cassette back on my bike. With the current mounting set up I do not have full gear range.
Aug 26, 2015
Overgaard AZ
Um, this is not what you want to hear but...

My bike Tanglebones has hauled a loaded trailer for over 2,000 miles, and I've never pedaled to help the motor over anything, including the Mogollon Rim of Arizona.

A Schwinn Hurricane weighs 30lbs
A China girl kit 25
My trailer is about 10
The load is typically 60-100lbs
I weigh 165
That's between 290-330lbs.

Yes it's a two stroke, and probably not what you're looking for in the least, but two years ago, I would have laughed at the idea of a motorised bike. Now I stand by Tanglebones and all bikes like him as the greatest transportation solution ever engineered. They are nearly as individual as the riders, efficient and stylish even in the ugliest form. A badly assembled, ill maintained motorbike only serves to remind me of the inauspicious beginnings of all motorcycles, at least once I get past my irritation.

Feel free to check out the albums on my profile, but be warned, it's just another China girl, put together by someone who loves Schwinn bikes, but hates pedaling.
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New Member
Feb 7, 2013
I check everything on my motors once a week and my honda goes to the shop every 100 hours. She had a clean bill of health last time I took her home, I promise its not a maintenance issue. I put 4000ish miles on my honda, half of which was 2000 foot elevation change up hill and pulling a trailer.

My first china girl I totally ****ed up and that was my fault, I had no idea hat I was doing. The second one was more powerful than my honda, that thing did 30 - 40 mile commutes 5 days a week for 2 years. I had do change the magneto coil and the CDI every 6 months because Hawaii but she did it. That is until I go hit by a car and the head cracked, she was never quite right after that. So I tried a new engine 66/80cc, and the pin bearings exploded into the piston chamber 100 miles after break in. Finally I gave up, it was the third china girl in 3 years. I already had the honda from a belt drive kit that my fiance bought, I'll tell ya cinder and exposed belts are a bad mix.

So I converted her to a chain drive, but I had to forsake most of my bike gears to do it. She runs good, but just doesn't pull the same as the china girl did.

Sorry, that post kinda got a way from me. I'll take a look at your build and see if I can learn anything, thank you.
Aug 26, 2015
Overgaard AZ
By all means I welcome long posts, and it's your thread anywho.

The China Girl is just that, delicate, and by Gods don't drop her! But... If you can get a decent one, and if you do your part, sometimes they work out. Sometimes...

I haven't gone fourstroke for two reasons, one price. Two, and more important, they do not currently build a four stroke bicycle motor that looks like a bicycle motor. I will not pay good money for a kit, that even when pulled off flawlessly, looks hob cobbled together from an old generator. The China girl is at least pleasing to my eye...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I am willing to buy a trailer for towing services, I have car towing trailers and others but in my towing company I am going to add one more service of motorcycle towing service, so anyone have a suggestion for me that which trailer is best for motorcycle towing service?