

Hey everybody, I'm Whizzerd. Been away from MB's for around a decade. Sold a couple this year and in helping one of the new owners, the bug kind of bit again! I've built 3 China Dolls, 1 inframe 4 cycle and 8 BMP friction drive bikes in the past. Re-engined a Sun Atlas/BMP/HS142 and a Husky/BMP/Honda gx50 that I'm riding when weather permits. Having fun with both. Amazed at what some of you are doing with the CG's and a few other improvements like the sprocket adaptors and improved chain tensioners. Kinda good to be back!
Hey everybody, I'm Whizzerd. Been away from MB's for around a decade. Sold a couple this year and in helping one of the new owners, the bug kind of bit again! I've built 3 China Dolls, 1 inframe 4 cycle and 8 BMP friction drive bikes in the past. Re-engined a Sun Atlas/BMP/HS142 and a Husky/BMP/Honda gx50 that I'm riding when weather permits. Having fun with both. Amazed at what some of you are doing with the CG's and a few other improvements like the sprocket adaptors and improved chain tensioners. Kinda good to be back!

Welcome back a lots changed over the years but much remains. Lot of good folks building and riding while participating and sharing with one another. Sounds like you got skills and know some things that others can benefit from.

Rick C.
Hey everybody, I'm Whizzerd. Been away from MB's for around a decade. Sold a couple this year and in helping one of the new owners, the bug kind of bit again! I've built 3 China Dolls, 1 inframe 4 cycle and 8 BMP friction drive bikes in the past. Re-engined a Sun Atlas/BMP/HS142 and a Husky/BMP/Honda gx50 that I'm riding when weather permits. Having fun with both. Amazed at what some of you are doing with the CG's and a few other improvements like the sprocket adaptors and improved chain tensioners. Kinda good to be back!
Hi whizzerd and welcome back :)..... kelly
Thanks Rick and Kelly. No great skill sets here but a bit of experience for sure. It's the inventors and fabricators I admire. Rather humbling sometimes. BTW Rick, my grandfather purchased a new Servicycle in the late '40's. My dad rode his Whizzer powered bicycle with Grandpa on the Simplex. Gramps kept it the rest of his life.
Thanks Rick and Kelly. No great skill sets here but a bit of experience for sure. It's the inventors and fabricators I admire. Rather humbling sometimes. BTW Rick, my grandfather purchased a new Servicycle in the late '40's. My dad rode his Whizzer powered bicycle with Grandpa on the Simplex. Gramps kept it the rest of his life.

Whizz I love family history's linked to bike's. I was a kid of the fifties "Boomer" and never had the Whizzer or Simplex but liked them. I started on Cushman Eagle and then Mustang scooters. I'd say your Gramps & Pop were cool guys!
There are a lot of us here on the forum that love the classics.

Rick C.
Kool! That is what got me started, not a Whizzer but a Monark twin, back in the 50’s, then cars come along, and after all them years had a chance to ride another bike that Is all it took. Welcome back........Curt
Greg I think at some point I felt that bicycles and even motorcycles were rather childish, though I continued to ride both and of course modify them. It didn't take too long before I missed them and resumed building with renewed passion. I don't regret my decision to follow my interests in cycling & eventually getting involved in motorizing bicycles over a decade ago. Where mind and heart go the body should follow.

Rick C.
I haven't reached total retirement yet, I did retire in March 2015 for 2-1/2 days after 34 1/2 years as a industrial maintenance tech. I've been at my current job since and a little over 5 I'll go out for good, if health and circumstances let me get there.
Yep Curtis & myself over seventy, Kelly still just a young thing, but knows her stuff. The old guys meet over in the "Tavern" forum for a range open topics, including bikes, various stuff so feel free to join in and you don't have to be 65 either Greg or a guy Kelly to join in. Great bunch participate in that thread, keyword "tools"

Rick C.