rear view mirrors

I have this one on my Currie. A Mirrycle MTB Bar End Mountain Bicycle Mirro. Bought at Fits into the bar end. Solid with no viberation and will fold in to go through a narrow door.

I've got to agree here, the Mirrcycle is great. I tried the Wallmart Bell vecro on and it just wasnt' good. It would loosen up and vibrate. Even when it was still the image seem distorted.

Mirrcycle is solid mount and clear. A bit pricy at $15 or so but....
Get the bar end mirror with a wide angle view they work great. I have a round chrome mirror with a chrome shaft that mounts to the handle bars that I paid $8 for and its sitting in my tool box as a spare because Im too cheap to throw it away. No matter what you did to this POS it wouldnt stay in place plus the adjustment sucked on it and no wide angle feature so it was difficult to see your blindspot.
I have this one on my Currie. A Mirrycle MTB Bar End Mountain Bicycle Mirro. Bought at Fits into the bar end. Solid with no viberation and will fold in to go through a narrow door.

I like these. They are around $17-20 at LBS as well as Amazon, depends which one. Big question is should you have left and right or just left. My lack of head turning ability really calls for 2 mirrors.

On my cruiser I built a mirror from a cheap Bell mirror, a piece of aluminum tubing and a reflector bracket, all for around $10. I want to find a slightly bigger mirror but haven't found one, I may have to cut one. Custom mirror on my cruiser.
mirrors???? there aint no style in mirrors....i turn my head instead much trust are going to put in a 1 inch mirror anyway...remember its your ass
mirrors???? there aint no style in mirrors....i turn my head instead much trust are going to put in a 1 inch mirror anyway...remember its your ass

"My ass" swerves to the left half the time when I turn my head to look.

I say "There's no style in being dead or in the hospital for a month."
sorry guys...i just dont trust that i got a full view of traffic from a one inch mirror...i dont swirve when my head turns...keep your head on a swivel, dont trust anybody driving...dont get hit
I've got about 60 degree range of motion (L-R) at neck so without the mirrors I couldn't even ride.

I think the rear view video would be a cool thing to have as well.
I got a bunch of the old-style "pyramid" drag bike mirrors off eBuy. I like the style, they're cheap (At about $15 a pair), they have glass lenses with a steel body and dual reflectors. Got one on the left of my Huffy and a pair of them on my Schwinn. Tried Bar end mirrors on the Schwinn for a while, but I cracked one while moving it in the garage, and the other was obliterated when a gust of wind blew the bike over on a camping trip. I much prefer having a few inches of handlebar sticking out to take any impacts instead of my mirrors. Besides, my arms kept getting in the way of using the bar end mirrors. >.<

Keep on riding! ~Dakota Lynx