Re: bicycle engine


New Member
Hi everybody!
new to this names Jay...
I'm really intrested in getting an 80cc engine to mount on a bicycle
whats the best one to get?...
Welcome! I say read around here, shop some on eBay, there are a lot of similarities and just a few differences, so I won't recommend one supplier. To some extent - there are so many similarities, it's more what you do with the kit than the single guy you buy the China kit from.
Thanks For the reply Pablo,
the hunt goes on, Think I might get a 3-5 HP Lawn mower eng and go with a basic mini bile set up on a Mountian Bike...
welcome gusjdj. i would really like to see how you modify a mower engine to the bicycle. i imagine it will have great power. as far as the kits go i have only bought one so i cannot really recommend one over another. all i know is they are a lot of fun and fairly easy to put on a bicycle with a little modification. glad to have you with us
I only have one as well but I can't see a lot of difference in them. by the way the 80cc isnt really 80cc. Some say its more like 67cc but it's what I have and I really do love my bike/.