rattling sound?


New Member
I tighened my headbolts and stuff and still don't have my carb sealed but now the engine is much louder and has kind of a rattling sound that gets louder when revved. Should I take of my head and have a look? Would the engine seize if silicon pieces got into it?
is your motor new? mine sounded a little loose somewhere in the bottom when I got it, but now it's a runner and I dont here it no more! maybe I just grown deaf to it! I would'nt pull the head just yet, but give it some break in time and see if that helps!
You say "I still don't have my carb sealed". Did it need to be sealed? Are you or have you been running it with an air leak? If you have been, you could have already smoked the motor....
yeah it had an air leak. how can I check to see if the motor is hosed without a complete teardown?
im really hoping that that is the issue. I just got it siliconed on and I hope that is the problem.
I found out what it was. My piston was hitting my head gasket. I wiped off the shards but I'm 99% sure some of the aluminum shards dropped into the engine. Question is what do I do about it? Is my engine toast? Do I have to tear it down? Arg. I asked the guys at DAX and they said to just cut away the portion of the gasket that is touching the piston. They didn't say what to do about the shards except to remove them if I see them.

I did spray some carb cleaner inside the head into the block and piston to clean it out but I dont know if that helped.


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How do you know metal got past the rings? Probally went out the exhaust or is sitting at the bottom of the crank. I'd ride it for at least 10 miles and look for any scoring on the walls of your cylinder. If you don't see any then I'd call it good. Or maybe you know how to get the piston out and the access the crank to wipe it all out? If you take the whole thing apart put a little MotorKote on everything. That is a tephlon based lubricant and will keep your motor going strong long after you've sold your bike. I know a guy that builds custom engines and he always reassembled his engines with Motor Honey, but he tried MotorKote once and was blown away by the reduced engine wear in some of his trouble spots.
How long would it take to tear down the motor? I am not mechanically inclined. Would it be safe to just look for scoring like you said?
I would say get a new head gasket from thatsdax (under warranty?) and install it. Any metal "shards" (which are very soft aluminum anyways) that came off that and you didn't find are probably long gone.

If you are really worried, Remove the engine from the bike, pull the head and jug, and rinse it (the bottom end/cases) out with kerosine or diesel, then dump it out and repete until you are satisfied ther are not more "shards" in the case. It shouldn't require a complete disassembly.
I could probably ask for one. The thing is the same thing will happen again. The piston comes up too high so I've got to cut part of the gasket out. Any other ideas?
Yikes! The teardown pics with scribbly writing, strewn parts and zombie like hands remind me of a horror flick I once saw. I suppose you could do the tear down if you have:
A) A very supportive wife/girlfriend.
B) Too much time on your hands.
C) Can't afford a new motor.
D) Like horror movies :)

I don't have any of these. If you share my feelings then the choice is clear, just drive it and check for scoring. You have scoring then buy a new motor, perhaps you can use the old one for a practice teardown.
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Yeah I will just ride it and see if there is scoring. Hope its fine. Gotta fix the dang air leaks. arg!!!